Ongoing projects
Interdisciplinary Joint Venture Asim
KOAMI Research Center for Collective Labour Law and Participation Rights
TA-Swiss: Digital Currency: Our Money of the Future?
The Use of Organoids to Promote 3R Under Swiss Law
Handbook on Swiss Corporate Law
Commentary on the UN Convention for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
Commentary on the UN Convention for the International Sale of Goods
Commentary on the Act of the Supervision of Securities Institutions (WpIG)
Basel Commentary on the CopA, Commentaries Before Art. 33-37 and Art. 33-35
Basel Commentary on the CopA, Commentaries on Art. 36-38
Zurich Commentary on Corporate Law
Zurich Commentary on Company Law Volume III
Zurich Commentary on Company Law Volume V
Financial Futures Transactions
Book of Precedents, Art. 184-236 CO
Algorithmic Profiling and Automated Decision-making in Criminal Justice
Algorithmic Analysis and Prediction of Court Decisions
Textbook International Criminal Law, Basic Outline for Study and Practice
Commentary on the Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure
Systematic Commentary on the Code of Criminal Procedure
Large Commentary on the Code of Criminal Procedure Löwe-Rosenberg