e-PIAF is a faculty research unit dedicated to fundamental theoretical and practical issues related to digitally transforming governments and administrations.

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View of the panel

Panel discussion at the Handelsblatt GovTech Summit in Berlin

View of the NZZ

The great illusion - Unexpected consequences of state digitization

View of the newspaper

The true expenses of artificial intelligence

View the webinar

Webinar of the SATW Expert Group AI Law and Technology


Presentation "Traceable algorithms: a legal framework for the use of AI"

Editorial in SJZ

Editorial in Schweizerische Juristen-Zeitung (SJZ)

Electronic synapses in e-PIAF style

White paper on transparency through the written motivation of algorithm-based rulings

3D image of a city with pins in e-PIAF style

White paper on transparency through a public register on the use of artificial intelligence (AI)

[Translate to English:] Hand über dem Chatverlauf auf einem Display.

Article on the protection of legitimate expectations in the event of incorrect information from public administrations via chatbots

Buchcover von Automated Democracy

Book "Automated Democracy - Die Neuverteilung von Macht und Einfluss im digitalen Staat" published by Herder Verlag

Deckblatt der Präsentation

Presentation on "AI - Legal Challenges & Developments in the Swiss Confederation and in Europe"

Bild der Buchvorderseite, erschienen bei Springer Vieweg

Book on automated public transport published

Ausschnitt der Publikation, auf dem Bild ein Raum mit vielen Robotern, im e-PIAF-Stil

Domain-specific training: The holy grail for ChatGPT & Co.

Front page of the NZZ article covered with a glitch effect in red and turquoise color patterns.

The great confusion - AI and automation in government and business

Bild mit einem mit Text bedruckten Stück weissen Papiers auf holzigem Untergrund. Das gesamte Bild ist mit rot-türkisen transparenten Mustern überzogen.

Blog post on Automation of Tax Procedures in French

The picture shows Professor Nadja Braun-Binder standing at a desk during a lecture. The picture is covered with red-turquoise transparent patterns.

AI in the Public Sector – Video and Slides available

Image detail of a laptop screen and associated keyboard with blue-red patterns in the background.

Essay on automation and risk management systems

Image with bird's-eye view of a street with cars and technical patterns in turquoise-red optics laid over it.

Essay on Mobility-as-a-Service published

Chairs taken from behind standing in front of screen

Conference report published: First findings on transparency, discrimination and manipulation

Photo of an open book with law texts overlaid with a glitch effect. The effect is turquoise, the background is slightly colored red.

New publication on rulings and automated individual decision-making

Symbol image with opened book or tablet stylized in lines (magenta color) against red-black background.

Conference report "State and Data" published

Symbolic image for the Zurich Data Protection Conference 2022 with a conference table with chairs on which notepaper, pens and drinks are ready. The scenery is colored in blue-red optics.

Presentation on possibilities and limits of AI

Scene of the conference "State and Data" in the Pro Iure Auditorium of the Basel Law Faculty with listening participants in the foreground and the organizer Prof. Nadja Braun Binder in the center of the picture.

Review: State and Data Conference

Symbolic image for the Zurich Data Protection Conference 2022 with a conference table with chairs on which notepaper, pens and drinks are ready. The scenery is colored in blue-red optics.

Presentation on AI in the Public Administration

Portrait of Prof. Nadja Braun Binder, one of the Digital Shapers 2022.

Digital Shapers 2022

Interview with FSO Director Georges-Simon Ulrich

Symbolic image for the topic of facial recognition with a crowd in a pedestrian zone in which individual people have green squares placed around their faces. The whole scene is kept in blue and red colours.

Paper on Face Recognition