
The Faculty of Law plans to comprehensively evaluate all courses over the next few years in order to continuously improve the quality of training and to better meet the needs of students and practitioners.

The reports on the lecturer evaluations carried out each semester were submitted to the CPK. For reasons of data protection, they are not published on the website. The reports and evaluations on the evaluations of the master's theses (HS 13 and FS 14) and the examinations (FS 14 and HS 14) will be published in February and May respectively after approval by the CPK.

For the visible recognition of credits and grades and to deepen the results, it is recommended that the most central evaluation results are reported back to the students in plenary, commented on if necessary and / or discussed with the students. If you have questions for the students that you would like to discuss in a more in-depth discussion or which were not covered in the questionnaire evaluation, the focus group discussion has proven to be a good option. You will find an information sheet below.

As part of the overall evaluation of the Faculty of Law carried out in the spring semester of 2012, a large-scale student survey was conducted.

Below you will find the concept for degree program evaluations adopted by the Curriculum and Examination Committees on 26. 4. 2017.

In 2022, a comprehensive doctoral student survey was conducted in collaboration with the President's Boards. A detailed report on the results can be found below.

If anyone would like to comment on the report or on doctoral studies in general, the Office of the Dean of Research can be contacted via forschungsdekanat-ius@clutterunibas.ch.