People in the doctoral program "Law in Transition"

Program management

Doctoral students

Portrait of Angela Agostino.

Angela Agostino-Passerini

Angela Agostino-Passerini writes about the police questioning of the accused.

Placeholder with gender-neutral person symbol (torso and round head) in dark gray against a light gray background.

Tringa Aliu

Tringa Aliu is a doctoral student and research associate at the professorship for Foundations of Law and Life Sciences Law of Prof. Dr. Bijan Fateh-Moghadam, where she is writing a doctoral dissertation on self-determination at the end of life as part of the SNSF project "Culturally sensitive medical law".

Portrait of Atie Babaie.

Atie Babaie

Atie Babaie is an intern at the United Nations and is doing a PhD on Alternative Dispute Resolution in climate change and sustainability disputes.

Portrait of Lea Bachmann.

Lea Bachmann

Lea Bachmann is a doctoral candidate at the professorship of Prof. Dr. Sabine Gless. She has been writing her dissertation on the topic "Limits of criminal liability for AI systems, due diligence obligations when using artificial intelligence to prevent money laundering" since September 2023 as part of a cotutelle de thèse under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sabine Gless (University of Basel) and Prof. Dr. Katalin Ligeti (University of Luxembourg). The research project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation through a Doc.CH grant.

Portrait by Michael Balmer.

Michael Balmer

Michael Balmer has been writing his dissertation at Prof. Dr. Kurt Pärli's Chair of Private Social Law since March 2022. His dissertation project deals with the claims of employees of subcontractors and social insurance companies against platformized companies as contractual partners of the subcontractors. He is supported by the doctoral program "Law in Transition" with a one-year start-up scholarship.

Portrait of Paula Blank.

Paula Ava Zorah Blank

Paula Blank is a research assistant at the Chair of Private Law of Prof. Dr. Peter Jung, Maître en droit. As part of her dissertation project, she is working on resolution deficiency disputes in partnership law.

Portrait of Meret Cajacob.

Meret Cajacob

Meret Cajacob works at the Chair of Tax Law of Prof. Dr. Luzius Cavelti, LL.M., where she has been writing a doctoral thesis on the borderline between legitimate tax planning and illegitimate tax avoidance since 2021.

Placeholder with gender-neutral person symbol (torso and round head) in dark gray against a light gray background.

Cyrill Chevalley

Cyrill Chevalley is doing his doctorate under Prof. Dr. Cordula Lötscher in the field of private law, private international law and civil procedure law.

Portrait of Carlos Cruz Carillo.

Carlos A. Cruz Carrillo

Carlos A. Cruz Carrillo is a PhD student at the University of Basel and an SNSF Doc.CH Fellow. His research explores the regulation of offshore renewable energy projects under the international law of the sea.

Portrait of Sylvia Emdin.

Sylwia Emdin

Sylwia Emdin writes her PhD thesis about corporate criminal liability for human rights abuses in global supply chains from a Swiss and Polish perspective.

Portrait of Tugce Fildir.

Tugce Fildir

Tugce Fildir is a research assistant at the Chair of Fundamentals of Law and Life Sciences Law of Prof. Dr. Bijan Fateh-Moghadam, where she is writing a doctoral thesis on representation in medical measures (Art. 377 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code) from the perspective of criminal law.


Ava Imboden

Ava Imboden works part-time in a law firm and is doing her doctorate under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Cavelti at the Chair of Tax Law. Her dissertation is dedicated to the subject of expense taxation and its compatibility with important pillars of the Swiss Federal Constitution.

Portrait of Carl Jauslin.

Carl Jauslin

Carl Jauslin is a lawyer at the Federal Office of Justice and a doctoral student at Prof. Dr. Bijan Fateh-Moghadam's Chair of Fundamentals of Law and Life Sciences Law, where he is writing a thesis on solidarity in the philosophy of law and international law.

Portrait of Aileen Kreyden.

Aileen Rose Kreyden

Aileen Kreyden (LLM) is doing her doctorate at the Chair of Public Procedural, Constitutional and Administrative Law of Prof. Dr. Daniela Thurnherr (LL.M.). Her research focuses on terrorism and the rule of law as well as security and migration law.

Portrait by Stefan Ledergerber.

Stefan Ledergerber

Stefan Ledergerber is a judge at Military Court 2 and a trainee lawyer at a law firm in Basel. He is writing a doctoral thesis with Prof. Dr. Stephan Breitenmoser on the handling of biometric data with regard to fundamental rights.

Photo Xia Li

Xia Li

Li Xia is a doctoral candidate under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ulrich G. Schroeter. Her dissertation focuses on international trade law, specifically the CISG (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods). She is researching the interpretation and application of key provisions in the CISG, with a particular focus on the global supply chain context. She is receiving a start-up grant from the doctoral program to support her research.

Portrait of Giulia Losi.

Giulia Losi

Giulia Losi is a doctoral candidate in international law, European law and public law. She is writing her doctoral thesis as part of a cotutelle de thèse (University of Milano-Bicocca and University of Basel). Her dissertation project is supervised by Prof. Irini Papanicolopulu (BA Global Professor of International Law at SOAS University of London) and Prof. Anna Petrig (Chair of International Law and Public Law at the University of Basel). The research focuses on state and corporate obligations to protect people in the context of deep-sea mining activities.

Portrait of Leonie Marti.

Léonie Marti

Léonie Marti is a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Chair of Public Procedural Law, Constitutional Law and Administrative Law of Prof. Dr. Daniela Thurnherr Keller, LL.M.. As part of her dissertation project, she is investigating the nudge concept and the associated challenges and perspectives from a public law perspective using the example of health promotion and prevention in Switzerland.


Debora Sophie Meier

Debora Sophie Meier is a doctoral student at the chair of Prof. Dr. Kurt Pärli. She is working on the subject of "High risk in Swiss data protection law" as part of her dissertation project.

Portrait of Thaissa Meira.

Thaissa Almeida Meira

Thaissa Almeida Meira works at the Chair of Public International Law and Public Law of Prof. Dr. Anna Petrig, LL.M., where she is writing a dissertation on the balancing of interests between marine scientific research and deep-sea mining exploration in the context of international maritime law. She was the holder of a one-year start-up fellowship of the doctoral program "Law in Transition" and has been an SNSF fellow since 2022.

Portrait of Joana Mösch.

Joana Mösch

Joana Mösch is a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Chair of European Law, International Law and Human Rights of Prof. Dr. Andreas Müller, LL.M.. As part of her dissertation project, she is investigating the rights of children in asylum and protection proceedings. She also works as a legal representative for children and young people in asylum proceedings.

Portrait shot of Monika Molnar.

Monika Molnar

Monika Molnar's dissertation deals with sovereignty issues in space (place of supply from a VAT perspective).


Meret Rieger

Meret Rieger is a doctoral candidate at the chair of Prof. Dr. Geth and a research associate at the chair of Prof. Dr. Gless. Her comparative law dissertation project deals with causality and objective attribution in criminal climate law with a special focus on constitutional conformity.


Anna Roth

Anna Roth is a doctoral candidate and research associate at the professorship for European Law, International Law and Human Rights of Prof. Dr. Andreas Müller, LL.M. and is investigating the legal consequences of space debris as part of her dissertation project."

Portrait shot of Mareike Sinz.

Mareike Sinz

Mareike Sinz is a research assistant at the Chair of International Law and Public Law of Prof. Dr. Anna Petrig, LL.M. (Harvard). Her doctoral thesis (cotutelle de thèse) is supervised by Prof. Anna Petrig and Prof. Paulina Starski (Albert Ludwig University Freiburg, Germany). Her research focuses on domestic transparency of international legal instruments from a comparative law perspective.

Portrait of Fabia Stoecklin.

Fabia Stöcklin

Fabia Stöcklin is a research assistant at the Chair of Private Law of Prof. Dr. Corinne Zellweger-Gutknecht. Her dissertation project deals with the introduction of trust law in Switzerland. She is supported by the doctoral program "Law in Transition" with a one-year start-up grant.

Portrait of Xuedong Wang.

Xuedong Wang

Xuedong Wang writes his PhD thesis on the topic Solidarity and the justifying collision of duties in criminal law. An investigation with special consideration of the collision of rescue duties of doctors using the example of the "triage problem" in the Covid-19 pandemic. The legal concept of the justifying collision of duties is not always uncontroversial, both at the dogmatic level and in practice. This concerns the problem of legitimization on the one hand and the boundary between the other grounds for justification, in particular the justifiable state of emergency, and the justifying conflict of duties on the other. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the collision of rescue duties would not be uncommon in view of the scarcity of health resources, so the question must be raised as to how, on the one hand, doctors can be released from the dilemma situation in the legal system and, on the other hand, the consequences would not violate the difference in life value derived from constitutional law. Therefore, the doctrine of criminal law in relation to the justifying conflict of duties in a changing society must be reconsidered several times.


Daniel Zeyer-Iyengar

Daniel Zeyer-Iyengar is a PhD student at the chair of Prof. Dr. Alfred Früh. He is writing his dissertation as part of NRP 79 (National Research Project) at the Center for Life Sciences Law (ZLSR). The research project is concerned with various legal issues relating to organoid technology. Organoids are 3D cell structures that are derived from stem cells and can model cell types, cell structure and organ function of a human organ. In his dissertation project, he examines human brain organoids and how Swiss law deals with the concepts of consciousness and sentience and potentially regulates or could regulate them.