Administrative Assistance
Sigrid Hoffmann
Tel: +41 61 207 25 05
E-Mai: office-schaks-ius@clutterunibas.ch
Location: Directions
About the person
Since 02/ 2024 | Professor of Public Law with a focus on life sciences law at the Law Faculty of the University of Basel, Switzerland. |
04/2021 | Habilitation at “Freie Universität (FU) Berlin” and award of the permission to teach (Lehrbefugnis) public law, including European law, social and health law as well as comparative law. |
09/2015 - 01/2024 | Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessor) of public law at the University of Mannheim, Germany. |
05/2011 - 08/2015 | Research assistant at the „Universitätsrepetitorium” for Public Law and at the Chair of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Public Commercial Law, Social Law (Professor Sodan), Department of Law, FU Berlin, Germany. |
05/2010 - 08/2011 | Research Assistant at „Deutsches Institut für Gesundheitsrecht“, Berlin, Germany. |
12/2009 - 03/2010 | Bayer Healthcare AG, Secondment at the Law Department, Leverkusen, Germany. |
05/2008 - 03/2010 | Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law) at Clifford Chance, Düsseldorf, Germany. |
06/2007 | Doctorate at the “Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft“ (Departement of Law) of the FU Berlin, Germany. |
02/2006 - 02/2008 | Rechtsreferendariat (legal traineeship) in Berlin and “Zweites Staatsexamen” (Second State Examination). |
10/1998 - 01/2004 | Law studies at the Universität of Potsdam, the Université Paris X-Nanterre (licence en droit) and the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany “Erstes Staatsexamen” (First State Examination). |
- life sciences law
- constitutional law and constitutional history
- comparative law