Research and training

I. Research module
PhD students write their dissertation as part of the doctoral program. The topic is determined in consultation with the first supervisor. The dissertation is supervised and assessed by the doctoral committee, which is made up of a total of three faculty members with expertise in the respective research area and external experts.

The dissertation must be completed within three years. The doctorate concludes with a doctoral colloquium in accordance with the general doctoral study regulations.

II Training module
The training module is designed for a duration of three years and is completed with 18 credit points (CP). German as the local language and English as the academic language are the two main languages of the doctoral program.

Below you will find an overview of the elements of the training module:

PhD student colloquia take place twice a year, at which PhD students present their research to the doctoral program supervisors and fellow doctoral students. In addition to practicing the oral presentation of their own academic work, the colloquium offers the opportunity to discuss the dissertation and receive professional feedback.

Each scholarship holder should present at least twice, each fellow doctoral candidate at least once . One presentation earns 4 CP.

Participation in the doctoral colloquia is mandatory for all scholarship holders and fellows.

PhD students are encouraged to take advantage of the University's central courses for continuing education, in particular to acquire interdisciplinary skills. Credit points can be acquired by participating in these events

With regard to participation in events (conferences, workshops, etc.) that are closely related to the applicant's dissertation project, a contribution towards costs can be applied for. The following documents must be submitted to as part of a corresponding application:

  • Application for cost sharing form
  • Justification of the relation of the event to the dissertation project
  • Proof of payment (if already available)
  • Proof of attendance at the event (e.g. invitation to the conference)

Whenever possible, expenses should be kept low by booking the hotel/travel (2nd class) early and taking advantage of any discounts.