Doctorate application and dissertation topic center

Applications for doctoral studies are made via the Student Administration Offices of the University of Basel. The confirmation of supervision from the first supervisor must be enclosed with the applications.

Preliminary information for international PhD cadidates

Parallel to the application for doctoral studies, it is advisable to register the planned dissertation topic in the Swiss-wide database at the Dissertation Topic Center in Fribourg. You can obtain the user name and password required for application to the Dissertation Center from the Office of the Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Law.

If you have any questions about the Dissertation Center website, please contact directly.

Important to know: PhD students who have already registered a dissertation topic and are therefore mandated to have an account in IURTHESIS must reinitialize their password in the new IURTHESIS if they wish to access their entry. This is very simple: Log in on the start page with your e-mail address ("Login") and then reset your password via "Forgot password" (see instructions). It is important that you use the e-mail address that you used for your first application.

Link to Dean's Office contact area

Faculty of Law
Dr. iur. Martin Reimann
Peter Merian-Weg 8
P.O. Box 4002 Basel

Tel: +41 61 207 25 17