Lecture examinations in postgraduate studies
In postgraduate studies, registration for examinations is done by taking the examination module in addition to course registration for the lecture. Exception: For the lectures in the module Fundamentals of Law, course registration also counts as exam registration.
OR BT, Administrative Law and Criminal Law BT are two-semester courses. Only those who have registered for Part I and Part II of the lecture may register for the examination. In order to register for the examination, the additional course registration of the examination module is mandatory for the one- and two-semester courses. The lecture examinations are usually taken after attending the corresponding course, but can also be taken in a later semester.
Examination registrations are final after the end of the registration periods.
The examinations take place at the end of each semester during the examination sessions. It is possible that several examinations must be completed on one day, whereby a minimum interval of 2 hours is observed.
Examinations in the bachelor's postgraduate program last 2 hours, with an approved extension 2.5 hours. The oral examinations in the bachelor's postgraduate program last 20 minutes as a pair examination or 15 minutes as an individual examination. As a rule, these are paired examinations, with candidates being randomly matched. There is no preparation time for the oral lecture examinations.
Examination dates
The individual examination schedules are sent to students two weeks before the start of the examination session.
For the lecture examinations of the postgraduate course, the legal texts are generally available in the examination room. In the oral examinations, the laws are handed out directly by the examiners or the examiners provide information about any laws to be brought along. Further information on the laws will be provided by the lecturers.
Exam extension
The application for an extension can be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Studies. Further information can be found in the information sheet on extending exams.
In the event of deregistration due to illness orfor other valid reasons, proof, e.g. a doctor's certificate, is required. In addition, the examination deregistration form must be submitted in all cases. The documents for deregistration must be received by the Office of the Dean of Studies within 10 days of the examination date at the latest (date of e-mail or postmark). In all other cases, failure to attend an examination is considered an ordinary examination attempt and is assessed with a grade of 1.
If a student is unable to attend an oral examination, they are also expected to deregister by e-mail to the examiner in good time.
Credit for attempts at lecture examinations
Examinations in the module Private Law II, § 17 BLawO lit. a): There are only two trials in total for the Law of Obligations Special Part or Corporate Law. Examples:
- Law of Obligations Special Part, 1st trial, grade 3.5 and Corporate Law, 2nd trial = repeat attempt, grade 5: this grade counts
- Corporate law, 1st trial, grade 3.5 and Code of Obligations, 2nd trial = repeat attempt, grade 3: this grade counts
lit. b): For inheritance law, family law or property law, there are also only two trials in total. Examples:
- Property law, 1st trial, grade 3 and family law, 2nd trial = repeat attempt, grade 5: this grade counts
- Inheritance law, 1st trial, grade 3 and property law, 2nd trial = repeat attempt, grade 2: this grade counts
If the first attempt is satisfactory, no second attempt may be made, neither in the modules under a) nor in the modules under b).
In the event of two insufficient trials, the last insufficient grade achieved counts. In the event of an insufficient first trial, the subject can be changed (see examples), but only one examination attempt remains pending. However, all five course auditors must be registered for and listened to, regardless of the choice of examination.
Examinations Elective module Fundamentals of Law Fundamentals of Law is an elective module. The first sufficient grade obtained in the Fundamentals of Law module in chronological order (date of assessment) counts towards the Bachelor's degree.
In principle, written examinations cannot be postponed. Oral examinations can only be postponed in exceptional cases if a clash of dates with a written examination at another faculty passes. The request for postponement must be received by the Office of the Dean of Studies within one week of notification of the date. Details of the non-faculty examination and the date are required.
A lecture examination can be repeated once (two attempts in total). The examination module must be taken again for the retake. For the subjects of the Fundamentals of Law module, the lecture must be taken again in the semester in which you wish to take the examination.

Faculty of Law
Office of the Dean of Studies
Peter Merian-Weg 8
Tel: +41 61 207 25 30
further infromation