Basic study examinations
Students of the Faculty of Law in the bachelor's degree program in Law are automatically registered for the basic course examinations after two semesters. If a repeat examination is required, they are also automatically registered for the repeat examinations.
Block examination
According to § 10 para. 1 BLawO (regulations for the bachelor's studies in law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Basel dated December 1, 2011), all four basic study examinations must be taken in the same examination session as a block examination. Further information can be found under Cancellation of examinations.
The written basic course examinations in the modules Private Law I, Public Law I and Criminal Law I last 2 hours. In the module Sociology of Law, the examinations last 1.5 hours. For students with an approved extension, the examinations last half an hour longer. Repeat examinations in the Sociology of Law module can be oral or written. The oral examinations in Sociology of Law last 15 minutes as a single examination and 20 minutes as a double examination.
Exam extension
The application for an extension of the basic study examinations can be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Studies. Further information can be found here.
The laws are generally provided by the faculty during the undergraduate examinations.
Splitting exams for care responsibilities / employment
If you have caring responsibilities or work 50% or more of the time, you may pass the final examinations of your undergraduate studies as split examinations. Proof of this, e.g. an employment contract, is required. Students must submit an application to the Office of the Dean of Studies.
Examination dates
The examination dates are announced on the homepage of the Faculty of Law. The examination invitations for the basic study examinations are sent to the candidates by e-mail two weeks before the start of the examination session.
Withdrawal from examinations in undergraduate studies with a doctor's certificate or for a valid reason
Deregistration due to illness or for valid reasons is only possible with a doctor's certificate or corresponding documents and the examination deregistration form no later than 10 days after the examination. Students who deregister from a basic study examination are also deregistered from subsequent examinations that have not yet been taken.
If an examination is discontinued during the basic study examinations, the examination results completed in the same session before the discontinuation are passed.
Dropping out of undergraduate studies examinations without a valid reason
Anyone who fails to appear for a basic study examination without a valid reason or medical certificate will receive a grade of 1 for this examination. He/she will be excluded from further examinations in this session and will also receive a grade of 1.
Compensation regulation
The undergraduate studies can be passed despite an insufficient grade in sociology of law. See § 9 para. 3 BLawO.
Repeat examinations
Insufficient basic study examinations can be repeated once. Students in the bachelor's degree program in Law are automatically registered for the repeat examination.
Beginning bachelor's postgraduate studies
Students who have not yet completed their undergraduate studies may take and attend courses in the postgraduate program, but may not yet take any lecture examinations in the postgraduate program (see Section 12 (2) BLawO). In exceptional cases and upon written application to the Dean of Studies, approval may be granted to take an examination in the postgraduate studies program despite an outstanding repeat examination in the undergraduate studies program. To the

Faculty of Law
Office of the Dean of Studies
Peter Merian-Weg 8
Tel: +41 61 207 25 30
further infromation