Bachelor's degree (application) and degree completion documents
In addition to the course registrations for the three subject examination modules, the application for the Bachelor's degree must also be completed. Please use the following link:
Bachelor's degree application - the applications period begins on 1.8. (for the HS examination session) and on 1.1. (for the FS examination session) and lasts until the end of the registration periods. The link is only active during the registration periods of the respective semester.
Applications must be completed during the registration periods. The applications should only be completed once the examinations have definitely been taken in the desired examination session. Completion of the application should not be interrupted and completed at a later date. The application can only be completed once. A confirmation of receipt can be requested at the end. Individual confirmations will not be sent.
The course registration schedule provides information on which course registrations must be available on the credit points account in order to complete the Bachelor's studies with 180 CP.
Degree completion documents (sample examples)
Sample documents for the degree can be inspected on the university's website.
Non-applied credits are only shown with the Master's degree.

Faculty of Law
Office of the Dean of Studies
Peter Merian-Weg 8
Tel: +41 61 207 25 30
further infromation