Monograph by Prof. Dr. Bijan Fateh-Moghadam
The religious and ideological neutrality of criminal law
On the observation of religious plurality in criminal law. The specific conditions of religious and ideological plurality at the beginning of the 21st century pose new challenges for the study of criminal law. In his fundamentally oriented redefinition of the relationship between criminal law and religion, Bijan Fateh-Moghadam develops religious and ideological neutrality as a fundamental concept of criminal law. By means of a reconstruction of the discussions on the material concept of crime, the purpose of punishment and the recognition of credits and grades of religious justification and excuse based on the principle of neutrality, the contours of a general part of religious criminal law become visible. Building on this, criminal law can solve concrete consequential problems of religious pluralization such as the criminal law assessment of circumcision of boys, the legitimacy of "burqa bans" or the scope of clerical privileges in criminal proceedings in a theoretically controlled manner without positioning itself in terms of religious ideology.
The following reviews have been published so far: In: Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht - 2019, 770-773 (Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz) In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), March 6, 2020, 12 (Michael Pawlik) In: Zeitschr.f.d.ges.Strafrechtswiss. (ZStW) 132 (2020), 441-452 (Ulfrid Neumann) In: Rechtswissenschaft (RW), Volume 11 (2020), Issue 4, 487-495 (Tatjana Hörnle) In: (4/2021) (Simon Schädler) The book can be ordered here - AVAILABLE AS OF NOW OPEN ACCESS!