Upcoming events

23. August 2024

CLA Enforcement Conference 2024:

The annual CLA enforcement conference: A unique platform that brings together diverse interest groups, addresses important and current subjects and thus contributes to a constructive, solution-oriented exchange in all parts of collective labor law.

The conference takes place in cooperation with the KOAMI research center of the University of Basel and combines an academic approach with daily practice. Program and applications via the SFW website.

13. June 2025

2. KOAMI conference:

After the successful first edition in 2023, the second conference of our research center will take place in summer 2025. The exact program will be announced shortly.

Past events:

December 6, 2023

Exchange science and practice:

This year's edition of the event series "Exchange Science and Practice" took place on December 6, 2023. In addition to exciting inputs on doctoral and master's theses, Dr. Oliver M. Brupbacher and Anna Brand (MLaw) rounded off the event with a presentation on "Whistleblowing in practice - experiences and tips".

December 8, 2023

Health in the workplace - new challenges and the importance of internal and inter-company social partnership:

The first KOAMI conference on 'Health in the workplace' took place on December 8, 2023. We would like to thank the morning's speakers PD Dr. med. Holger Dressel, Dr. iur. Valérie Berset Bircher, lic. iur. Corinna Müller, Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Geiser, Prof. Dr. Kurt Paerli, lic. iur. Daniella Lützelschwab and Dr. iur. Luca Cirigliano for their fascinating presentations and the panel discussion chaired by Nic Frei. In the afternoon, participants were able to attend various workshops. Many thanks to Thomas Wälti, Lillian Obimo, Christine Michel, Miriam Kaiser, Angelos Gerasimou and Nicola Jacobshagen for the exciting insight into practice and for leading the workshops!

February 2, 2024

8th Basel Employment Law Conference:

The Basel Employment Law Conference took place for the 8th time on 2 February 2024 as part of the Faculty of Law's "Recht aktuell" continuing education series. In the morning, Dr. iur. Flora Stanischewski spoke about bonuses, gratuities and variable salary components, Dr. iur. Adrian von Kaenel about the enforcement of salary claims and Dr. iur. Sara Licci about mass dismissal. Dr. iur. Philippe Nordmann and MLaw Bojan Momic answered questions on the transfer of undertakings. This was followed in the afternoon by further contributions from Prof. Kurt Paerli on current case law, Dr. iur. Karine Lampen on the availability of employees, lic. iur. Nicolas Facincani on the duty to surrender and Dr. iur. Maria Lapadula on expenses and the reimbursement of expenses. Many thanks to all participants for attending and for the interactive discussion. We look forward to welcoming you again next year at the 9th Basel Employment Law Conference!