General publications

The complete list of publications, including on subjects relating to employment and social security law, can be found on Prof. Kurt Pärli's profile page.

Publications and lectures in collective labor and participation law


22. May 2024: Prof. Dr. iur. Kurt Pärli's assessment of the failed deal between Uber and the syndicom trade union.

1.May 20 24: Prof. Dr.iur. Kurt Pärli was a guest expert on the SRF program "Treffpunkt" and explained the structure of Swiss (collective) labor law and the challenges that will arise in the future on the occasion of the May 1st celebrations.

8.April 20 24:Dr. Nic Frei answers questions from viewers in the live chat of the SRF health magazine 'Puls' on the subject of work-life balance and new work .

4.March 2024: Laura Kunz/Naomi Dike, Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz, Neue Herausforderungen und Bedeutung der inner- und überbetrieblichen Sozialpartnerschaft, conference report of the KOAMI conference on December 8, 2023.


23.August 2024: Lecture entitled Allzeit bereit - alles zum Thema Arbeitszeit in zwei Halbzeiten by Prof. Dr. iur. Kurt Pärli and Dr. iur. Nic Frei.

8.December 2023: Lecture entitled Schranken des Gesundheitsschutzes by Prof. Dr. iur. Kurt Pärli at the first KOAMI conference on the subject of health in the workplace.

24.August 2023: Lecture entitled Labor migration and reimbursement of expenses in the light of social insurance and labor law by Prof. Dr. iur. Kurt Pärli at the CLA enforcement conference in Zurich.