

With research projects financed by external funding, academic publications, lectures at national and international congresses and through regular KOAMI conferences, we make a substantial contribution to the development of law in collective labor law and participation law.

Contract services:

We prepare studies and legal opinions for administrative authorities, parliamentary committees, companies, employee and employer associations, enforcement bodies of collective employment agreements, personnel committees and other organizations that are confronted with issues of collective employment law and internal participation. We are also available for advisory mandates and the provision of continuing educations.

Our claim:

As a research center of the Faculty of Law of the University of Basel, we are independent of the interests of individual parties.
With our research and services, we make a contribution to overcoming the challenges faced by those involved in the broad field of collective employment law and the right to participation.


KOAMI has already written numerous reports for various players in collective labor law:

  • Brief opinions on the relationship between CLA and CLA addendum in terms of continued payment of wages in the event of illness for employees, on behalf of social partners in the cultural sector.
  • Brief expert opinion on sub-issues of the CLA on staff leasing
  • Brief expert opinion on a question of interpretation of a CLA (provision on daily sick pay)
  • Legal opinions on various issues in connection with the application of provisions of the law on the posting of workers (bogus self-employment, undeclared work)
  • Legal opinions on questions relating to the responsibilities of cantonal public authorities and CLA enforcement bodies
  • Legal opinions on selected home office issues and options for action by the social partners
  • Legal opinions on CLA provisions on daily allowance insurance
  • Legal opinions on data protection issues in the implementation of a CLA on behalf of a joint committee

The following reports are publicly available:


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