Winners of the Amerbach Prize
Dr. iur. Balthasar Jeremias Müller (2024)
who closes a gap in Swiss literature with his dissertation "The implementation of positive duties to protect under Art. 8 ECHR in private-law employment relationships under Swiss law". The influence of the ECHR on Swiss employment law is receiving increasing attention in the doctrine. In-depth and comprehensive analyses of individual issues are still rare. Balthasar Müller focuses on Art. 8 ECHR; this enables a thorough examination of the content of this provision and its significance for labor law. The study is an important contribution to the further development of Swiss labor law, taking into account the European Convention on Human Rights. The work contains valuable insights for both labor law practice and labor law scholarship. With his work, the author also contributes to the connectivity of Swiss labor law to the international discourse on "Human Rights and Labor-Rights".
Dr. iur. Lorenz Lauer (2023)
who, in his dissertation "Das Anwaltshonorar" (The Attorney's Fee), thoroughly and comprehensively examines the basis and assessment of the fee claim, namely the legal qualification of the fee agreement, the fee on its various bases, the services entitled to the fee, the various models for determining the fee, in particular the contingency fee and any participation in litigation profits, the performance and financing of the lawyer's fee and finally the fee disputes and the enforcement of the fee claim and has thus provided forensic practice with an important, advanced working tool.
Dr. iur. Laura Macula (2022)
who, in her dissertation "Strafprozessuale Verwertbarkeit von Entlastungsbeweisen im Lichte des Schuldprinzips" ("The Usability of Exculpatory Evidence in Criminal Proceedings in the Light of the Principle of Guilt"), draws groundbreaking conclusions about the limits of constitutional criminal prosecution from the principles underlying criminal procedural law and thus develops guidelines for legal practice so that legal prohibitions on the use of evidence do not burden innocent people.
Dr. iur. Dario Ammann (2021)
who, in his dissertation "Die Erbteilungsklage im schweizerischen Erbrecht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kompetenzen des Erbteilungsgerichts(de lege lata und de lege ferenda)", analyzed in detail and comprehensively the inheritance division claim from a dogmatic point of view under substantive law and civil procedure and thus not only made a dogmatically outstanding contribution to the further development of Swiss inheritance law, but also provided forensic practice with an important, further-reaching working tool.
Dr. iur. Raphaela Cueni (2019)
who, in her dissertation "Schutz von Satire im Rahmen der Meinungsfreiheit" (Protection of satire within the framework of freedom of expression), develops a concept of freedom of expression against a comparative law and international law background, describes a constitutional concept of satire based on literary studies and traces its protection under fundamental rights in all areas of the legal system in a differentiated and coherent manner.
Dr. iur. Nicolas Fuchs (2018)
who, in his dissertation "Die Besitzesschutzklagen nach Art. 927 ff. ZGB mit rechtsvergleichenden Hinweisen und unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schweizerischen Zivilprozessordnung (ZPO)", he subjected the concept of possession under substantive law in the ZGB in its entirety to an in-depth dogmatic examination - including historical and comparative legal aspects - and embedded this substantive law system in the new civil procedural environment, thus presenting a uniform substantive and procedural system of possession protection.
Dr. iur. Cordula Lötscher (2017)
who, in her dissertation "Standing in Civil Proceedings in Swiss Civil Procedure - Principles, Effects and Cases of Application Taking into Account Foreign Legal Systems", examined the nature of standing in civil proceedings, its legal effects, the distinction from related legal institutions and the individual possible cases of application in the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure, the Swiss Civil Code and in other areas of the private law system in a detailed and in-depth manner and made an important contribution to the dogmatic, but also to the practical further development of Swiss civil procedure law through this excellent monograph.