Opportunities for the Use of New Data (NuNDa)
In the 21st century, data is considered a key resource in the mobility sector. Almost daily, companies and authorities launch innovative commercial services in the area of "new mobility". Various user groups are interested in such traffic and mobility data: transport planners, for example, depend on reliable, data-based models for assessing the effects of transport measures and mobility providers need context-related mobility data to be able to provide their services.
The NuNDa project investigates the possibilities for creating easier access to and use of mobility data collected from various sources. From a legal point of view, this raises two questions:
- What legal frameworks exist regarding access, processing and dissemination of new mobility data?
- What adjustments need to be made to existing legal frameworks to ensure that the desired data can be made available in the required quality and granularity?
The study is commissioned by the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) and carried out by an interdisciplinary research team. The team consists of AWK Group AG, Rapp Trans AG and the Faculty of Law of the University of Basel. The project team at the Law Faculty of the University of Basel consists of Prof. Dr. iur. Nadja Braun Binder, MBA and Prof. Dr. iur. Alfred Früh, RA.