Under the name PRO IURE, an alumni association of former students of the Faculty of Law Basel as well as other colleagues who feel a special connection to this faculty passes. PRO IURE promotes relations between the Faculty of Law of the University of Basel and its graduates and regularly supports the faculty with substantial donations, without which numerous events could not be held. In addition, PRO IURE organizes annual social gatherings to foster relations between alumni on the one hand and the faculty on the other, and the faculty would be delighted if every graduate were to underline their connection with their alma mater by becoming a member of PRO IURE.

Students that enter the Pro Iure Auditory at the Faculty of Law.

Präsident: Dr. Patrick Fassbind
Department of Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs of the canton BS: KESB
Rheinsprung 18, 4001 Basel (PF 1532)
Telefon: +41 (0)61 267 80 90