
Faculty members are entitled to co-determination in the handling of faculty and university business. They exercise their co-determination in Groups, whose representatives can sit on various boards and committees with voting rights. Each Group mandates a chairperson and thus a contact person for questions and organizational matters.

GroupsChairRepresented groups
Group. IProf. Dr. Wolfgang Wohlers (Dean)
  • Full professors
  • Assistant professors with tenure track
  • Professors funded by the SNSF
Group. IIJudith Natterer Gartmann
  • Assistant professors without tenure track
  • Assistant lecturers
  • University lecturers
  • Titular professors
  • Private lecturers
  • Academic co-workers with teaching obligations
Group. III

Sylvia Anna Meyer

  • Assistants, PhD students and postdocs
Group. IVPatrick Ebnöther
  • Academic, computing and administrative co-workers without teaching duties
Group. VPascal Notz(IUS specialist group)
  • Students in BA and MA degree programs