Non-faculty elective subject
During the bachelor's studies, 6 CP and during the master's studies 12 CP must be earned as non-faculty academic achievements. In principle, you can transfer credits from all courses offered by other faculties in Basel. In addition, extracurricular credit points can be earned at the Language Center of the University of Basel. The lectures "Forensic Medicine for Lawyers" and "Forensic Psychiatry" also count as non-faculty electives. It is not possible to split credits for an academic achievement between several degree programs.
All documents for the recognition of credits and grades from other universities, internships or co-workers in student organizations must be sent by e-mail to Patrick Ebnöther.

Faculty of Law
Dr. iur. Patrick Ebnöther
Peter Merian-Weg 8
P.O. Box 4002 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 25 27