Call for proposals for proseminars

The notices were put online on 17.4.24.

Registration procedure: From 18.4.24 in the afternoon a one-time entry in the Evasys form is possible (until 22.4.24 at 17:00). You will receive the link by e-mail in the afternoon of 18.4.24.

Students may register for a maximum of four seminars or proseminars in the Evasys form and must provide the following information: Last name, first name, In which priority you want to attend the seminar (Highest; High; Medium; Lowest, and in which semester you are studying), your Stud unibas email address and your semester of study. Your entries will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 1st priority; 2nd semester, separately for each degree program. The allocation will be made according to these criteria and will be reported to you and the seminar providers.

The allocation will be made according to these criteria and will be reported to you and the seminar or proseminar providers. For a proseminar with one teacher, 12 places are generally provided, for two teachers 24 places, etc.

In addition to the distribution via Evasys, the respective course must be registered for via Online Services for Students during the registration periods.

Proseminar: "First to die is to inherit" and other basics of inheritance law - Fabio Pecorreli (12 places) Proseminar: Selected problem areas from the CO and the CISG - Julian Juhasz (12 places) Proseminar: Smell, noise and shadows - trouble in the neighborhood from a property law perspective - Francesco Borner/Jessica Enzmann (24 places) Proseminar: Neutral Switzerland in the United Nations - Mareike Sinz (12 places) Proseminar: Swiss asylum and protection procedures in relation to the EU - Joana Mösch Glaser (12 places) Proseminar: Selected fundamental rights issues in the 21st century - Nina Laukenmann/Laukenmann (12 places). Century - Nina Laukenmann/Liliane Obrecht(24 places) Proseminar: Sexual Criminal Law after the Revision - Yasmine Müller (12 places)


Link to the contact and directions section

Faculty of Law
Dr. iur. Patrick Ebnöther
Peter Merian-Weg 8
P.O. Box 4002 Basel

Tel: +41 61 207 25 27