Subject examinations
For admission to the subject examinations, the admission requirements must be met, see § 18 para. 2 of the BLawO. An overview of the required course registrations during your studies can be found in the course registration plan in the Bachelor's studies.
Important information:
- Use the course registration plan to check your course registrations. If course registrations are missing or unclear, please contact Ms. Irene Doppler (Office of the Dean of Studies). Subsequent enrolments may incur expenses.
- Together with the subject examinations, insufficient lecture examinations can be repeated in the same examination session if there are still pending trials. However, we do not recommend this in order to pass all examinations successfully.
- The following lecture modules must be taken as part of a 1st trial before the subject examinations: §17, lit. a - d, doctoral study regulations BLaw: Obligationenrecht Besonderer Teil or Gesellschaftsrecht - Erbrecht, Familienrecht or Sachenrecht - Verwaltungsrecht - Strafrecht Besonderer Teil.
- 1. trials of the following modules can be taken together with the subject examinations in the same examination session: §17, lit. e - g, doctoral study regulations BLaw: - Code of Civil Procedure - International and European Law - Modules from Fundamentals of Law.
- In exceptional cases, the required seminar can be taken and the thesis written in the same semester as the subject examinations. However, the assessment of the seminar must be assessed as sufficient on the credit points account on the Friday before the start of the oral subject examination session. Otherwise, the applications for the subject examinations are completely invalid.
- Non-faculty academic achievements can be taken and the assessment formats completed in the same semester as the subject examinations. The assessment must be assessed as sufficient on the credit points account on the Friday before the start of the oral subject examination session. Otherwise, the applications for the subject examinations are completely invalid.
- After passing the subject examinations, all credit points required for the bachelor's studies that have not yet been allocated are automatically assigned (in particular credit points for the practical courses, revision courses and lectures that are not examined separately, such as criminal procedure law, personal law, public procedural law). The final number of credit points will only appear on the degree transcript.
Applications are made with the course registration for the subject examination modules on Online Services. In addition, the application for the Bachelor's degree must be completed. Only those who have completed both are admitted to the subject examinations and have submitted the bachelor's degree application at the same time.
Block examination
According to § 21 para. 3 BLawO, all three subject examinations must be taken in the same examination session as a block examination. For further information, see examination discontinuation.
The written examinations last 5 hours. For students with an extension, the examinations last one hour longer. The written examinations take place at the end of June/beginning of July or in January. If there is an oral subject examination, it is held in May/June or in December.
Oral subject examinations last 20 minutes as individual examinations and 30 minutes as two-person examinations. As a rule, there are two examinations.
Exam extension
The application for an examination extension for the subject examinations is applied for when registering for the Bachelor's degree. Detailed information can be found here .
Splitting examinations for caring responsibilities / employment
If you have caring responsibilities or are employed 50% or more of the time, you may be able to split the examinations. Corresponding proof, e.g. an employment contract, is required. Students must submit an application to the Office of the Dean of Studies. Please take care of any splitting before the end of the registration periods. An application for splitting that is received after the end of the registration periods can no longer be considered.
When splitting the subject examinations, the additional prerequisite applies that all lecture examinations from the postgraduate program have been completed. The seminar paper and the extracurricular credit points must also have already been earned. No lecture examinations from the postgraduate course may be repeated when splitting the course. If the subject examinations are split, each of the three examinations must be taken once before the repeat attempts may be taken. It is not possible to take only one or two examinations and repeat the same examinations in the next semester (see § 22 BLawO). The decision to split the subject examinations cannot be reverted to later.
Examination dates
The individual examination schedules for the subject examinations are announced by e-mail at least three weeks before the start of the examination.
Cancellation of bachelor's examinations with a doctor's certificate or for a valid reason
Deregistration due to illness or other valid reasons is only possible with a doctor's certificate or corresponding documents and the examination deregistration form no later than 10 days after the examination. Anyone who is unable to sit the first subject examination is automatically deregistered from the other two subject examinations. Students who have to drop out after completing the first or second subject examination are automatically deregistered from the examinations they have not yet taken. The examination results completed in the same session prior to the discontinuation remain passed.
Cancellation of bachelor's examinations without a valid reason
Students who fail to appear for a subject examination without a valid reason or medical certificate will receive a grade of 1 for this examination. These students will be excluded from further examinations in this session and will also receive a grade of 1.
Students who are unable to attend an oral examination are in any case expected to deregister by e-mail to the examiners in good time.
Bachelor subject examinations can be passed despite insufficient grades. See § 15 BLawO.
Repeat examinations
An insufficient subject examination can be repeated twice (three trials in total). In the case of two or three insufficient subject examinations, these must be repeated together in the same examination session. See § 22 BLawO. The application for a repeat examination is made by renewed course registration for the corresponding examination module and resubmission of the application for a Bachelor's degree.
Latin grades
For the Latin grades in the bachelor's studies (BLawO § 36), all grades of the postgraduate studies and the subject examinations count equally. The grades of the undergraduate studies, the seminar paper and any extracurricular academic achievements do not count towards the average grade or the Latin grades.
Beginning master's studies
Students who have not yet completed their Bachelor's studies do not meet the requirements for the Master's studies (see Section 3 (2) MLawO). In exceptional cases and upon written application to the Dean of Studies, approval may be granted to take a maximum of one examination in the master's studies despite the outstanding repetition of a maximum of one subject examination. To the application form
Degree completion documents
Sample documents for the degree can be inspected on the University's website.
From the November 2023 graduation, the degree completion documents are provided as PDF files in Online Services. These documents are certified and can be verified by third parties. Information can be found here.
Transfer to master's studies
When transferring from a bachelor's to a master's studies program, the University of Basel's instructions regarding feedback in the master's studies program must be observed. After the examination results have been sent out, students receive a link to a survey where they can choose which master's degree program they wish to transfer to. The transfer to the master's studies program is carried out by the Office of the Dean of Studies.
If a semester of leave is planned for the next semester, this must be indicated when re-registering. For students who wish to take up a Master's studies at another university, it is generally possible to (pre-)register for the Master's studies at the other university without the final grades. The degree certificate must be submitted immediately upon receipt.

Faculty of Law
Office of the Dean of Studies
Peter Merian-Weg 8
Tel: +41 61 207 25 30
further infromation