If your car incriminates you – does digital literacy help?, Critical AI Competence – Trust and Truth in the Age of AI, Ringvorlesung, Universität Basel, Schweiz, 19.03.2025.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Latest trends: chances and limits of legal automation – a case study on Swiss Penal Orders, ERA – Academy of European Law, 5G Technology, Quantum Computing, Blockchains & Internet of Things…, online, 12.-13.03.2025.

KI statt menschlicher Richter?, Künstliche Intelligenz in der Gerichtsbarkeit, Stiftung für die Weiterbildung Schweizerischer Richterinnen und Richter, Universität Luzern, Schweiz, 23.01.2025.

Level 4 - From the viewpoint of Swiss Law, Web Symposium of the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS), 20.01.2025.

Could Robot Judges Believe?, NORTH SEA GROUP On-Line Seminars on Legal Evidence, https://northseagrouplegal.com/, 12.11.2024.

What’s next? Crowdsourcing data to challenge the testimony of in-car technology, ERA – Academy of European Law, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Criminal Justice – From Predictive Policing to Sentencing: AI in the Courtroom, Dublin, Irland, 13.-14.06.2024.

AI, Data Quality & the Implications for Evidence from a Comparative Perspective, Berkeley Law "AI and Evidence" Symposium, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 12.04.2024.

Automated Decision-Making: An integral part of criminal justice?, discussion, Max-Planck-Institut Freiburg, Deutschland, 27.03.2024 (together with Lea Bachmann and Colin Carter).

Updating Expert Testimony based on a Comparative Perspective on Device Evidence, CRIM/AI Roundtable, Criminal Proceedings and the Use of AI Output as Evidence: Challenges for Common Criminal Procedure Principles and the Principles of the Rule of Law, Duke University, Durham, USA, 27.01.2024.

Mitigating wicked environmental problems - with crimes or criminal prosecution?, Workshop Weizenbaum Institut, Berlin, Germany, 12.10.2023.

Atypische Figuren des Strafrechts zwischen Topos, Mythos und Praxis, Randerscheinungen des klassischen Strafrechts? 7. Deutsch-Französische Strafrechtstagung, Juristische Fakultät, Metz, France, 28.9.2023.

KI in der Gerichtsbarkeit: Subsumtionsautomat 2.0 – KI statt menschlicher Richter? Bernischer Richterinnen- und Richtertag 2023 «Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der Gerichtsbarkeit – mit einem Klick zum Urteil?», Bern, 31.08.2023.

ZiF Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products, Closing Conference 2023, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 17.-19.07.2023.

The Admissibility Challenge: AI-Generated Evidence in the Courtroom, Opening Keynote, Webinar, Paris, France, 15.06.2023.

Intelligente Agenten im Bankengeschäft - Strafrechtliche Verantwortung?, 14. Schweizerische Tagung zum Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, Zurich, 08.06.2023.

Race and bias in criminal justice, 12th Conference on the Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems, Bologna, Italy, 18.05.2023.

Smart compliance systems and criminal justice: Can cars take over from courts?, Digitalisation in Criminal Procedure Law, Digital, Istanbul, Turkey, 16.12.2022.

The Regulation of Smart Systems, Smart Compliance in the AI Era: Combining Criminal and Administrative Measures, Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 13.12.2022.

Die Schweiz und Big Data: Chancen und Herausforderungen, Wem gehören die Daten? Rechtliche Herausforderungen von Big Data, Bern, 05.12.2022.

ZiF Research Group Workshop, Ökonomische und rechtliche Herausforderungen von Smart Products und mögliche Antworten,University of Bielefeld, Germany, 21.10.2022.

Rides to the Brave New World: Crowdsourcing Data to Challenge the Testimony of In-Car Technology, Short Course, Criminal Law in Artificial Intelligence and Artificial intelligence in Criminal Law, Lisbon, Portugal, digital, 26.09.2022.

AI in the Courtroom: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Evidence in Criminal Trials, EURA Summer School, "The Regulation of Robotics & AI in Europe: Legal, Ethical and Economic Implications”, 07.07.2022.

ZiF Research Group Workshop, Legal Rules in the Age of Smart Products, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 27.-29.06.2022.

Human-Robot Interactions, Werkstattgespräch in der Reihe "Work in Progress", Faculty of Law, Basel, 07.04.2022.

Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Law and Law Enforcement, ERA, online, 06./08.04.2022.

ZiF Research Group Workshop, Smart Products, Privacy and Trust, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 14.-16.03.2022.

ZiF Research Group Workshop, Product Innovations: Liability, Incentives and Market Dynamics, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 19.-21.01.2022.

ECLAN-Conference: Coming of Age? The European Arrest Warrant at Twenty. Fundamental Rights and the European Arrest Warrant, Queen Mary University, London, digital, 09.12.2021.

AI, e-evidence and criminal liability, Octopus Conference 2021, digital, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 17.11.2021.

Chained up. Use of data generated by smart products, ZiF Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung, University of Bielefeld, Germany, digital, 22.10.2021 (together with Christian Stummer).

Opening Conference, Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 04.-06.10.2021.

Verantwortung für Zahlenmenschen - Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, Colloque en l'honneur de la Prof. Ursula Cassani à l'occasion de son départ à la retraite, Geneva, 16.09.2021.

Autonomes Einparkieren - strafrechtliche Aspekte: wenn der Mensch zur Knautschzone wird ..., 10. Zürcher Tagung zum Strassenverkehrsrecht, Zurich, 30.09.2021.

Human-Robot Interaction - A Digital Shift in the Law?, Juristische Fakultät, Digitale Tagung, Basel, 21.-24.7.2021.

AI in the Courtroom: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Evidence in Criminal Trials, EURA Summer School, Digital, 08.07.2021.

ZiF Research Group Workshop, Kick-off meeting,University of Bielefeld, Germany, 16.-17.03.2021.

AI and Law Webinar series: 9th edition: Facial Recognition v. Criminal Justice, Council of Europe and University of Strasbourg, 02.02.2021.

The significance of EU criminal law in the 21st century: the need for further harmonisation or new criminal policy?, ECLAN PhD Seminar, Vilnius University, Faculty of Law, Online on MS Teams, 28./29.1.2021.

Should the CoE regulate criminal responsibility for autonomous driving? Université de Strasbourg, Digital, Strasbourg, France, 09.12.2020.

AI in the Courtroom – A Comparative Analysis of Machine Evidence in Criminal Trials, Jean Monnet, Centre of Excellence, Digital, 03.12.2020.

Tagungsleitung: Law & Robots Workshop 2020: Digital unterwegs. Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze & Zukunftsszenarien, Digital, Basel, 19.11.2020.

Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Law - Exchange of views, 78th Plenar Meeting European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPD) Digital, Strasbourg, France, 04.11.2020.

Prädiktive Justiz: Risiken oder Möglichkeiten? Anwaltschaft und Digitalisierung: Eine 360°-Perspektive, Digital, Deutsch-französischer Campus, 08.10.2020.

Council of Europe work on Criminal Law & AI using Driving Automation as an Example, Digital Criminal Justice Expert Group 3rd meeting, VC-Conference, 07.10.2020.

AI in the Courtroom - Can your car be a witness against you?, Digital, University of Lisbon, 17.09.2020.

KI im Gerichtssaal? "Maschinenbeweise" erläutert an Beispielen, DAV-Forum künstliche Intelligenz und Digita­li­sierung, KI in Justiz und Anwaltschaft - Status quo und Perspektiven (digital), 09.09.2020.

Cross-border data in the fight against crime: What future for e-evidence?, 3rd Task Force Meeting (Zoom), Brussels, Belgium, 03.06.2020.

Prosecuting Corporation for Violations of International Law: Jurisdictional Issue, XX International Congress of Penal Law 2019, Rome, Italy, 14.-16.11.2019.

If robots cause harm, who is to blame? The case of self-driving cars and criminal liability; ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, ERA, european.law, Rome, Italy, 24./25.10.2019.

The Position of the Individual in Transnational Criminal Proceedings in Europe, Histories of Transnational Criminal Law, International Symposium, Hannover, Deutschland, 17.10.2019.

The Robot in the Courtroom - Tool, Witness or Expert?  A Comparative Analysis of Machine Evidence in the Criminal Trials, Data, Technology and Criminal Law Workshop, Duke University, Durham, USA, 06.04.2019.

Machine Monitoring Men - Use of Data in Criminal Proceedings, Emile Noël Fellows Forum, New York City University, New York, USA, 08.03.2019

Predictive Policing: In Defense of "True Positives", Privacy Research Group, New York University, New York, USA, 30.01.2019.

Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Law – The case of automated driving, Coucil of Europe, CDPC meeting, Strasbourg, Frankreich, 28.11.2018.

Self-Driving Cars and Criminal Liability, ITS World Congress, Copenhagen, Dänemark, 17.09.2018.

Predictive Policing – In Defense of ‘True Positives, Vrije Universiteit, Brussel, Belgien, 12.06.2018.

Machine Monitoring Men – Digital Evidence in Criminal Trials, Villa Vigoni, Italien, 04.04.2018.

“Informationalization” of Body Signals and Criminal Investigations, 11th International Conference: Computers Privacy & Data Protection: THE INTERNET OF BODIES, Bruxelles, Belgien, 25.01.2018.

The EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Facing the Digital Revolution, Harmonization, Approximation or A Completely New Approach?, ECLAN (European Criminal Law Academic Network) PhD Seminar, Basel, 16.11.2017.

Legal and Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, World Health Summit, Science, Innovation, Policies, Berlin, Deutschland, 15.10.2017.

Exclusionary Rules, International Symposium on Challenges of Criminal Trials, Freiburg i.Br., Deutschland, 11.07.2017.

Conference Management: International Kolloquium, 03.-04.06.2017, Prosecuting Corporations for international Crime - The Jurisdictional Issues/ International Colloquium AIDP Panel 4, XX World Congress, AIDP (International Association of Penal Law), Basel, 03.06.2017.

Conference Management: International Kolloquium: Prosecuting Companies for Human Rights Violations Abroad? - The Jurisdictional Issues, AIDP (International Association of Penal Law), Basel, 02.06.2017.

Conference Management: International Kolloquium, 18.-20.05.2017, Do criminals go free when police officers blunder? A comparative perspective on the Exclusion of evidence, Basel, 18.05.2017.

Transnational Rights and Remedies: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction over Foreign Companies?, 9th Conference on the Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, 07.04.2017.

Citizenship and criminal law, ECLAN Annual Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 30.03.2017.

Census, bugging operations, and online searches - Why are Germans so "ängstlich" when it comes to transparent citizens?, 12.-14.05.2016, 8th Conference on the Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems, Bologna, Italy, 13.05.2016.

The Choice of Research Methodologies in European Criminal Law, 5th ECLAN PhD Seminar on the EU Area of Criminal Justice, Copenhagen, Denmark, 01.10.2015.

The Principle of a Fair Trial - Prohibition of Torture and Exclusionary Rules, Center of Judicial Civilization, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China, 09.09.2015.

Water always finds its way? Discretion and the Concept of Exclusionary Rules in the Swiss Criminal Procedural Code, Center of Judicial Civilization, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China, 06.09.2015.

Foreign Fighters - A Dangerous Case, Foreign Fighters: Towards A Criminal Law Revolution?, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium, 29.06.2015.

Legal Intoxication – (Time-)Framing Criminal Liability, Berlin Workshop, Berlin, Deutschland, 05.06.2015.

Topic-driven law enforcement vs an individual based-approach, Legal Responses to Transnational and International Crimes: Towards an integrative approach?, Amsterdam, Holland, 04.12.2014.

Negotiated justice techniques: Balancing effectiveness and procedural safeguards, Challenges in the field of economic and financial crime in Europe, Luxembourg, 02.12.2014.

The Future of Juvenile Justice, Chair of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems, Chapel Hill/USA, 12.04.2014.

General Principle of EU Criminal Law, Chair of the 4th ECLAN PhD Seminar on the EU Area of Criminal Justice, Queen Mary University, London, Great Britain, 08.04.2014.

Conference Management, Work-Shop: Intelligent Agents - International Perspectives on New Challenges for Traditional Concepts of Criminal, Civil and Data Protection Law, SNIS (swiss network for international studies), Basel, 02.04.2014 (together with Herbert Zech).

General Principle of a Fair Trial, Prohibition of Torture and Exclusionary Rules, National University of Singapur, Center for International Law, Singapore, 12.03.2014.

Intelligent Agents - International Perspectives on New Challenges for Traditional Concepts of Criminal, Civil and Data Protection Law, Chair of the Workshop, Basel, 07.02.2014.

Judicial Assistance, Ministry of Justice, Taipei, Taiwan, 05.06.2013.

Water always finds its way –Discretion and the Swiss Concept of Exclusionary Rules, Criminal Justice and Discretionary Justice, Ravenna, Italien, 17.05.2013.

EU Rights for Defendants?– Urgent Need for a Silver Bullet, European Criminal Policy Initiative, München, Deutschland, 25.01.2013.

The two European Courts - a comparison of their methods, Seminar New perspective for evidence gathering in the European Union, Università degli Studi di Messina, Messina, Italy, 05.10.2012.

The comparative method in european courts: a comparison between ECJ and ECtHR?, Università degli Studi di Messina, Messina, Italien, 04.10.2012.

The comparative method in European Courts: A comparison between ECJ and ECHR?, Bergen Lecture & Symposium Challenges to Contemporary Criminal Law, Bergen, Norway, 27.09.2012.

Conference Management: International Kolloquium, 07.-09.06.2012:, "General Principles of Transnational Criminal Law", Basel, 07.06.2012.

Concluding Remarks, ECLAN Conference: "Approximation of Substantive Criminal Law in the EU: The Way Forward", Bruxelles, Belgiu, 28.04.2012.

General Principles of Transnational Criminal Law, 24th International Conference of the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, Ottawa, Kanada, 08.08.2011.

EU Counter Terrorism Framework Decisions: a critical approach, ECLAN Conference, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 27.05.2011.

The role of biosimilars and generics in setting the ground for an affordable health care system (Round table discussion), “Generics and Biosimilars: Affordable medicine or restraint to innovation?”, Basel, 20.05.2011.

The European Evidence Warrant (EEW): Legislative obstacles to gathering and transferring foreign evidence, ERA Forum on Mutual Recognition, Trier, Germany, 21.10.2010.

From "Greek Maize" to Mutual Recognition - Legal Certainty in European Criminal Law, Conference "European Criminal Economic Law", Piraeus, Greece, 27.11.2009.

Refusing the execution of an EEW and the question of double criminality, ERA Seminar "The European Evidence Warrant", Dublin, Ireland, 09.10.2009.

Police and Judicial Cooperation between the European Union Member States: Results and Prospects, University of Tilburg, Tilburg, Netherlands, 08.11.2008.

A Common European Criminal Procedure - Effects on Material Law?, International Seminar on European Criminal Procedure Law, Münster, Germany, 22.05.2008.

European Public Prosecutor, Eurojust & OLAF - Current State of Affairs & Constitutional Issues, Expert Meeting on the European Prosecution Service, Maastricht, Netherlands, 23.04.2008.

Free Movement of Evidence, Konferenz an der Universita di Bologna, Facolta di Giurisprudenza, Bologna, Italy, 18.04.2008.