Administrative Assistance
Sigrid Hoffmann
Tel: +41 61 207 25 55
E-Mai: Lstfankhauser-ius@clutterunibas.ch
Location: Directions
About the person
Personal details
- born December 27, 1967
- married, two sons together (born 2008 and 2014)
Training and appointments
August 2019 to January 2024 | Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Law Basel and member of the Faculty Executive Board |
FS 2023 | Substitute Prof. Dr. Alexandra Jungo, University of Fribourg (Lecture on family law) |
FS 2014 | Substitute Prof. Dr. Th. Geiser, HSG St. Gallen (practical courses in private law) |
October 2013 | Promotion to Professor of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law (full professor) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Basel |
August 2013 | Appointment as full professor at the University of Zurich (Chair of Civil and Civil Procedure Law, 1st place on the list) declined |
December 2010 | Associate Professor of Private Law at the University of Basel |
November 2010 | Internship at the Osteria l'enoteca, Basel |
October 2010 | Venia docendi for Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law (Habilitation with Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schwenzer) |
FS 2009 | Substitute for Prof. Dr. A. Büchler, University of Zurich (Lecture on Family Law) |
SPRING SEMESTER 2007 | Substitute Prof. Dr. P. Breitschmid, University of Zurich (Lecture Family Law) |
October 2005 to September 2010 | Assistant Professor ZGB University of Basel |
2003 until 2005 | Assistant lecturer, University of Basel |
January/February 2003 | Maternity replacement Prof. Dr. A. Rumo-Jungo, Université Fribourg ( practical courses General Introduction to Law) |
2001 to 2002 | LL.M. in International Business Law, specialization course in Intellectual Property, Technology and Information Law, at the University of Zurich (part-time for professionals) |
January 2000 | Partner (since 2014 consultant) at Liatowitsch & Partner, law firm, notary's office, mediation |
June 1999 | Doctorate (Dr. iur.) (dissertation part-time for professionals; Prof. F. Hasenböhler) |
January 1996 | Co-worker at Liatowitsch & Liatowitsch, Advokatur Notariat Mediation |
December 1995 | Bar exam Canton Basel-Landschaft |
August 1994 to December 1995 | associate clerk at the Administrative and Insurance Court of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft |
January 1993 to June 1994 | various traineeships (Liatowitsch & Liatowitsch; cantonal arbitration commission for unemployment insurance Arbitration Commission for Unemployment Insurance, Administrative and Insurance Court of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft) |
1987 to 1992 | Studies of law in Basel (elective subject public procedural and procedural law; tutor in administrative law at the chair of Prof. R. Rhinow) |
1986 | Matura type C high school Münchenstein |
- Center for Family Sciences, Board member and President since January 2015
- fabe (family, couple and educational counseling), board member
- KOKES, President of the working committee
- Liatowitsch & Partner, law firm, notary's office, mediation, consultant
- Pro Iure, board member
- Organization of Swiss Family Law§Days
- Member of the Senate of the University of Basel (since 2014)
- Advokaten examination committees Canton of Basel-Stadt
- Co-editor of Fampra.ch
- Editorial office of Basler Juristische Mitteilungen (BJM)
- Chamber of Advocates of Canton of Basel-Stadt
- Voluntary Academic Society of Basel (FAG)
- Notarial Supervisory Commission Canton of Basel-Stadt
- Swiss Bar Association
- Association of Teachers of Civil Procedure Law
- Association of Civil Law Teachers
Other activities:
- external member of the FOJ expert group for the revision of the CESR
- member of appointment committee Developmental Psychology University of Basel
- external member of the appointment committee Chair of Private Law at the University of Zurich
- regular reviewer for research institutions (SNSF) and private individuals
- chair of the accreditation expert group according to HFKG (2022/23)
- regular member of appointment committees of the law facutly University of Basel
- external member of appointment committee Forensic Psychology University of Basel (2023/24)
- member of the Senate of the University of Basel (as of 2014)
- Dean of Studies of the law faculty of the University of Basel (2018 - 2024)
- external member of appointment committee ZGB (Swiss Civil Code) University of Lausanne (2017/18)
- member of Board of Trustees of Ernst und Anna Landsberg-Erinnerungsstiftung
- various appointments as expert at parliamentary hearings and faculty commissions hearings
- Marriage and divorce law
- Family law
- Inheritance law
- Personal law
- International family law
- Civil procedure law