Administrative Assistance
Esther Jundt
Tel: +41 61 207 05 01
E-Mai: esther.jundt@unibas.ch
Location: Directions
About the person
Prof. Dr. iur. Peter Jung, Maître en droit
1985 - 1991 | Studies of law and history at the Universities of Passau, Toulouse and Göttingen |
1989 | Acquisition of the Maîtrise en droit at the University of Toulouse |
1991 | First state examination in law |
1992 | Summer studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science |
1995 | Doctorate at the Georg-August-University Göttingen |
1995 | Second state examination at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg |
1996 - 1999 | Research associate at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg |
1996 - 1998 | Assistant lecturer at the Center for French Studies at the University of Freiburg |
1998 - 2002 | Habilitation scholarship from the German Research Foundation |
2001 | Research stay at the Harvard Law School |
2002 | Habilitation at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg |
2002/2003 | Deputy Chair at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg |
Since 1996 | Administrative assistant and head of the Section for Comparative Commercial and Economic Law of the Society for Comparative Law |
Since 1999 | Visiting professor at the Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II |
2003 | Professor of Civil Law, German and European Business Law at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg |
Since 1.10.2004 | Professor of Private Law at the University of Basel |
Prof. Dr. iur. Peter Jung, Maître en droit
- Board member and head of the Comparative Commercial and Business Law Section of the Comparative Law Society
- Co-editor of the Schriften zur Rechtsvergleichung und Rechtsvereinheitlichung of the Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung e.V. (Society for Comparative Law)
- Co-editor of the Journal for Community Private Law (GPR)
- Co-editor of the journal "recht"
- Italian Law Journal (Advisory Board)
- International Review of Financial Services (Corresponding Member)
- Visiting Professor at the Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II)
- Associate member of the France Center of the University of Freiburg i.Br.
- Membre du Conseil d'Orientation Stratégique Consultatif du GIS "Mondes germaniques" (Université de Strasbourg)
- Member of the Comité Scientifique du Collège Doctoral Européen
- Founding member of the Swiss Judicial Academy
- Associate member of the Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé Paris
- "Membre Effectif" of the Accademia dei Giusprivatisti europei, Pavia
- Member of the "Recht aktuell" training committee of the Basel Faculty of Law
- Member of the Executive Board of the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS)
- Board of Trustees of the Speiser-Bär Foundation
- Chairman of the Board of the Ernst von Caemmerer Foundation
- Member of the SNSF research committees
- Vice President of the Talent Promotion Committee
Prof. Dr. iur. Peter Jung, Maître en droit
- Code of Obligations
- Commercial and corporate law
- Financial market law
- Competition law
- Comparative law, unification of law and private international law
- Private commercial law of the European Union
- French commercial and business law