Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Public Administration

On behalf of the Canton of Zurich, Prof. Dr. Nadja Braun Binder, together with AlgorithmWatch, prepared a study on the topic of AI & public administration.

Within the scope of this study, it is to be determined which conditions are conducive to the use of AI in the administration of the Canton of Zurich, where obstacles exist, and how these can be eliminated if necessary. To this end, among other things, ethical guidelines will be analyzed with a view to their relevance and usability in the context of the cantonal administration, a checklist will be compiled to clarify the need for legal foundations for AI use, and recommendations for the lawful use of AI will be formulated.

The project is led by Prof. Dr. Nadja Braun Binder. The project team at the Law Faculty of the University of Basel is composed of Mr. Laurent Freiburghaus, Ms. Eliane Kunz, Ms. Nina Laukenmann, and Ms. Liliane Obrecht.

The results are published here:

Braun Binder, Nadja/Spielkamp, Matthias/Egli, Catherine/Freiburghaus, Laurent/Kunz, Eliane/Laukenmann, Nina/Loi, Michele/Mätzener, Anna/Obrecht, Liliane/Wulf, Jessica, Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Verwaltung: rechtliche und ethische Fragen, study commissioned by the Canton of Zurich, April 2021. Available online at