Lectures and presentations

6.3.2024Workshop on "The Technology and Ethics of CRISPR", moderation of the panel discussion on spotlights on somatic gene therapy, Monte Verità, Ascona
8.2.2024Legal aspects of consortial research in biomedicine, seminar on biomedical R&D, PhD block course, ETH Zurich
9.11.2023Vertragsgestaltung, guest lecture in the lecture Introduction to Life Sciences Law by Prof. Dr. Alfred Früh, University of Basel
30.10.2023Wirtschaftliche Aspekte von Gesundheitsdaten, ZHAW, Winterthur
12.6.2023Defending your IP rights and freedom-to-operate at Patenting in Life Sciences & Chemistry seminar of Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2) and Swiss academy of science (snat), Center Loewenberg, Murten
23.5.2023Data use in the next iteration of drug development at LifeScience Zurich Impact Conference on data for health, Technopark Zurich
31.5.2023Legal basics and strategic alliances, BioEntrepreneurship & Innovation program (BEi) at Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IREM), Campus Schlieren, University of Zurich
14.4.2023Legal aspects on data driven businesses in the life sciences sector at3rd interdisciplinary seminar on IT-developments in medicine with a focus on rare diseases, Hotel Konradin, Kühtai
29.11.2022Die Zukunft der Crop Science, lecture as part of the lecture series "The future begins today. Challenges, potentials and perspectives in life sciences law" of the Center for Life Sciences Law (ZLSR), moderation of the panel and plenary discussion, University of Basel
31.10.2022Wirtschaftliche Aspekte von Gesundheitsdaten, ZHAW, Winterthur