Winners of the Amerbach Prize

Portrait picture Claudia Stühler

Dr. iur. Claudia Stühler (2024)

who, in her dissertation "Euthanasia for cyborgs - technical implants at the end of life", investigated the conditions under which pacemaker defibrillators implanted in the body may be deactivated without penalty and not only developed concrete proposals for solutions for medical practice, but also innovatively developed the dogmatic approach to euthanasia in criminal law.

Photo of the Dean Prof. Daniela Thurnherr (left) and Dr. Lukas Schaub (right)

Dr. iur. Lukas Schaub (2017)

who, in his dissertation "The financing of election and voting campaigns - A contribution to democratic discourse and equal political opportunities", astutely analyzed the problems of the influence of money on democratic elections and votes and developed innovative proposals for legal regulations, and who has since creatively promoted the constitutional guarantee of political rights in numerous publications.