Safety & emergency

Faculty internal emergency number: 7 9 0 2 1
Emergency number of the outpatient clinic: 1 4 4
Poisoning (Tox Centre): 1 4 5
Police: 1 1 7
Fire brigade: 1 1 8
All important information on video (German)
Reachability of the internal emergency number
In case of an emergency within the Faculty of Law, you can reach the internal emergency number from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The internal emergency number is permanently stored on the desk phone under the speed dial keys. If no desk phone is available, you can find the number as well as other official emergency numbers in the information leaflet "Verhalten im Notfall" ("What to do in case of emergency") which is available in your office. Outside working hours or on weekends, please dial the official emergency numbers directly.
There are 2 defibrillators available at the Faculty of Law for emergencies. The defibrillators are mounted on the information desk on the ground floor and on the 4th floor in the area of the tea kitchens.
First aid materials
For self-help in case of minor injuries, first aid materials are available in wall holders in the tea kitchens on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floor. If a kit or material is missing please report this by emailing