26 Nov 2024
14:00  - 17:30

FFHS Gleisarena Zürich

Schweizer Forum für Kommunikationsrecht (SF-FS) und Zentrum für Life Sciences-Recht (ZLSR)

Please note: The event is held in German language! Tech Law Workshop - Federated Machine Learning

Many products in the data economy are based on access to large and diverse databases. These are often under the control of different players. The importance of cooperation in the data economy is correspondingly high. From a transaction and data protection law perspective, however, the legally compliant sharing of data is extremely challenging.

In federated machine learning, computing operations are not carried out centrally but decentrally in separate data sets using the same algorithm in each case. The calculated results are transmitted to a coordinating server.

This technology has so far received little attention in the legal community. This is astonishing, as the advantages are obvious, especially from a data protection point of view: there is no transmission, no merging and no storage.

But can these data protection advantages be realized in practice? Are further technical measures required? And does federated learning also harbor risks alongside the obvious opportunities? These questions will be discussed in the workshop format in an exchange between academics and practitioners. In terms of specific application examples, the workshop will be geared towards the realities of the life sciences sector. Two specific examples will guide us through the workshop. In addition to short inputs, there will be sufficient time for a moderated pending discussion and exchange. The number of participants is limited to 30.

Click here for the program and the registration link.


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