Pro Iure Auditorium Juristische Fakultät - Universität Basel Peter Merian-Weg 8 4002 Basel
Jour Fixe Family: "Should embryos be able to be adopted?"

As part of in vitro fertilization (IVF), several embryos are usually created in Switzerland. The best developing ones are transferred to the uterus of the genetic mother to enable pregnancy. Further embryos can be cryopreserved for later trials. After fertility treatment has been completed, i.e. if the couple no longer wish to or are unable to have (further) children, there are sometimes still preserved embryos available. According to current legislation, these so-called "surplus embryos" must be destroyed. The "release for adoption" to other couples wishing to have children - who are not genetically related to the embryo - is not permitted. The public lecture sheds light on the ban on such embryo donation and invites discussion on possible admissions.
Applications are not required.
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