Collection focus
Passes of the library of the Faculty of Law | Reference library
- Swiss legal literature (partly multiple copies)
- Standard works of foreign legal literature
- Substantive foreign law
- Special areas of law (public international law, international law, license agreement law, etc.)
- Swiss law journals
- International law journals
- Legal databases
Passed holdings of the University Library (UBH) | Lending Library
- Swiss legal literature (partly multiple copies)
- Standard works of foreign legal literature
- Special areas of law (Islamic and Jewish law, legal history, legal sociology, tax law, aviation law, food law, intellectual property law, comparative law, telecommunications law, IT law, mediation, gender law, etc.)
- Legal guides (Switzerland)
- Interdisciplinary legal literature (Switzerland and abroad)
- Criminology
- Swiss law journals
- International, interdisciplinary legal journals
- Legal databases
Basel courier service between the UBH and the University Business and Economics Library - SWA (UBW):
Books from the UBH can be ordered to the UBW free of charge via swisscovery Basel and returned to the UBH free of charge in the same way via the UBW.
Faculty of Law
Peter Merian-Weg 8
Tel: +41 61 207 25 00
Opening hours