Library catalogues

Call number systems of the JF Library

Our library uses two different call number systems:

call numberLabel without JFLocation
(JF), capital letter, Roman numeral and Arabic numeral (e.g. L III 54)whiteReading rooms, 2nd floor gallery and closed stacks
(JF), country code (no country, code if transnational), classification number, four capital letters and year of publication (e.g. CH 72 BASL 2017)colouredBasic literature gallery 1st and 2nd floor

Article search in the library catalogues

1 ) Swiss articles: Swiss articles from journals and serials are only incompletely provided proof in the swisscovery Basel catalogue, so searching in swisscovery is recommended. Two search options are provided:

a)  General articles search: In swisscovery  filter the search result by resource type "articles" and "book chapters".

b)  Article search by classification number (subject area) : Open the page swisscovery "Advanced search", select the search filters "Classifications" and "containing this exact phrase", then enter "CH", classification number and "i" for articles.
For search instructions, see info box "Article search with classification numbers".
- Swiss articles on inheritance law: CH 67 i
- International law articles ECHR: D 18.2 i

2) Further articles: Virtual Library for Legal Research with article references