13. November, 2024"Privatrechtstransformation in Zentral- und Osteuropa: Autonome Entwicklungen oder "Rechts-Transplantationen?" Gastbeitrag in der Vorlesung Privatrechtsvergleichung von Prof. Dr. Corinne Widmer Lüchinger, Universität Basel
16. Oktober, 2024"Die Zukunft gestalten: Kommerzialisierung von Organoiden für innovative Anwendungen", NeurOPTICS Tagung, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Deutschland
19. September, 2024"Is a Lab-grown Embryo a 'Human’? Calls for Re-evaluation of Regulation of Embryo and Its Surrogates", 9th Conference of the European Association Health Law, Warsaw, Poland
6. September, 2024Moderatorin (zusammen mit Prof. Volker Enzmann) der Session "Exploring the Intersection of Science, Law and Ethics: The Implications of Organoid Technology“ auf der Jahrestagung der Clinical Neuroscience Bern
7. Mai, 2024"Writing a PhD thesis: between pain and pleasure" presentation for the Young Scholars of European Association of Health Law, online
26. Oktober, 2023Towards an adequate assessment of patients' decision-making capacity: A Legal Perspective in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia", Lithuanian National Conference on “"Personalised assistance is a right, not care, charity or medical care. Advocacy is the key to success", Vilnius
13. Oktober, 2023“Legal perspective on an adequate assessment of patients' capacity to make decisions“, Konferenz des Litauischen Forums der Behindertenorganisationen und Perspektiven der psychischen Gesundheit, Vilnius
2. August, 2023Who Shall Decide? RaisingAwareness of Limitations to TakeHealthcare Decisions by Patientswith Limited Capacity”, 27th World Congress for Medical Law, Vilnius
25.-27. Mai, 2023Jurymitglied beim EJTN (European Judicial Training Network) Themis Wettbewerb - Halbfinale B EU und Familienrecht, Vilnius, Litauen
5. Mai, 2023"Adopting transdisciplinary approaches in knowledge exchange", EUHealthGov organisierte Konferenz "Maastricht at 30: Exploring past, present, and future drivers of EU health integration, Brüssel
20. April, 2022“Me and my organoids”. Another challenges for reproductive medicine”, 8th European Conference on Health Law, Ghent
10. Januar, 2022Closing Remarks “Regulatory possibilities to enhance cooperation among the EU’s governance structures and complementarity within the EU Acquis”, European Commission’sEU Health Policy Platform
15. April 2021“Swiss experience on Legal Liability for Allocation of Scarce Resources during COVID-19 Pandemic, Legal Liability for Allocation of Scarce Resources in Health Care in the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Internationale Online-Konferenz, Universita Degli Studi Di Bergamo / Charles University / European Law Institute
25. November 2021“Constitutional rights and the role of constitutional courts during Covid-19. Central and Eastern European perspective”, Institut suisse de droit comparé, Moderatorin
11. Mai, 2017“From Lab to Life – Regulations for New Developments in Stem Cell Research”, Regulierung der Stammzellenforschung in der EU, Internationale Stammzellenkonferenz, Basel Universität, Basel
Juni, 2017“iPS cell and iPS cell-based therapies – Swiss and UK perspective on definition and regulation”, BMBF International Retreat Moral Frontiers in Regenerative Medicine pertaining to the Use of Human Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cells, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena / Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale)
Juni, 2016“Limits of costs the country health care system has to pay for the medical treatment”, Diskussionsrunde für junge Experten, Georgetown University, Georgetown U.S.
12.Dezember, 2016Legal and ethical concerns of use of human materials”, Bioethik-Kolloquium, Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik, Basel
2015“Research on human stem cells: Swiss and the EU perspective on the legal challenges”, Konferenz des Clusters für regenerative Neurowissenschaften und der NeuroD-Gruppe, Inselspital Bern


“Human trafficking in the European modern society”, Young Lawyers’ Society organisierte Konferenz über Menschenhandel, Vilnius, Moderatorin

2013“Ethical and religious aspects of donation and transplantation”, Wissenschaftliche Konferenz der Universität Vilnius
2013“Improving the image of judges and judiciary in Lithuania”, Konferenz über das litauische Justizsystem, Nationale Gerichtsverwaltung, Litauen


“Does law apply to everyone? ”, die Bedeutung des Rechts in der europäischen und litauischen Gesellschaft, Konferenz TeDi'13,Vilnius Universität