13. November, 2024 | "Privatrechtstransformation in Zentral- und Osteuropa: Autonome Entwicklungen oder "Rechts-Transplantationen?" Gastbeitrag in der Vorlesung Privatrechtsvergleichung von Prof. Dr. Corinne Widmer Lüchinger, Universität Basel |
16. Oktober, 2024 | "Die Zukunft gestalten: Kommerzialisierung von Organoiden für innovative Anwendungen", NeurOPTICS Tagung, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Deutschland |
19. September, 2024 | "Is a Lab-grown Embryo a 'Human’? Calls for Re-evaluation of Regulation of Embryo and Its Surrogates", 9th Conference of the European Association Health Law, Warsaw, Poland |
6. September, 2024 | Moderatorin (zusammen mit Prof. Volker Enzmann) der Session "Exploring the Intersection of Science, Law and Ethics: The Implications of Organoid Technology“ auf der Jahrestagung der Clinical Neuroscience Bern |
7. Mai, 2024 | "Writing a PhD thesis: between pain and pleasure" presentation for the Young Scholars of European Association of Health Law, online |
26. Oktober, 2023 | “Towards an adequate assessment of patients' decision-making capacity: A Legal Perspective in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia", Lithuanian National Conference on “"Personalised assistance is a right, not care, charity or medical care. Advocacy is the key to success", Vilnius |
13. Oktober, 2023 | “Legal perspective on an adequate assessment of patients' capacity to make decisions“, Konferenz des Litauischen Forums der Behindertenorganisationen und Perspektiven der psychischen Gesundheit, Vilnius |
2. August, 2023 | Who Shall Decide? RaisingAwareness of Limitations to TakeHealthcare Decisions by Patientswith Limited Capacity”, 27th World Congress for Medical Law, Vilnius |
25.-27. Mai, 2023 | Jurymitglied beim EJTN (European Judicial Training Network) Themis Wettbewerb - Halbfinale B EU und Familienrecht, Vilnius, Litauen |
5. Mai, 2023 | "Adopting transdisciplinary approaches in knowledge exchange", EUHealthGov organisierte Konferenz "Maastricht at 30: Exploring past, present, and future drivers of EU health integration, Brüssel |
20. April, 2022 | “Me and my organoids”. Another challenges for reproductive medicine”, 8th European Conference on Health Law, Ghent |
10. Januar, 2022 | Closing Remarks “Regulatory possibilities to enhance cooperation among the EU’s governance structures and complementarity within the EU Acquis”, European Commission’sEU Health Policy Platform |
15. April 2021 | “Swiss experience on Legal Liability for Allocation of Scarce Resources during COVID-19 Pandemic, Legal Liability for Allocation of Scarce Resources in Health Care in the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Internationale Online-Konferenz, Universita Degli Studi Di Bergamo / Charles University / European Law Institute |
25. November 2021 | “Constitutional rights and the role of constitutional courts during Covid-19. Central and Eastern European perspective”, Institut suisse de droit comparé, Moderatorin |
11. Mai, 2017 | “From Lab to Life – Regulations for New Developments in Stem Cell Research”, Regulierung der Stammzellenforschung in der EU, Internationale Stammzellenkonferenz, Basel Universität, Basel |
Juni, 2017 | “iPS cell and iPS cell-based therapies – Swiss and UK perspective on definition and regulation”, BMBF International Retreat Moral Frontiers in Regenerative Medicine pertaining to the Use of Human Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cells, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena / Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale) |
Juni, 2016 | “Limits of costs the country health care system has to pay for the medical treatment”, Diskussionsrunde für junge Experten, Georgetown University, Georgetown U.S. |
12.Dezember, 2016 | “Legal and ethical concerns of use of human materials”, Bioethik-Kolloquium, Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik, Basel |
2015 | “Research on human stem cells: Swiss and the EU perspective on the legal challenges”, Konferenz des Clusters für regenerative Neurowissenschaften und der NeuroD-Gruppe, Inselspital Bern |
2014 | “Human trafficking in the European modern society”, Young Lawyers’ Society organisierte Konferenz über Menschenhandel, Vilnius, Moderatorin |
2013 | “Ethical and religious aspects of donation and transplantation”, Wissenschaftliche Konferenz der Universität Vilnius |
2013 | “Improving the image of judges and judiciary in Lithuania”, Konferenz über das litauische Justizsystem, Nationale Gerichtsverwaltung, Litauen |
2013 | “Does law apply to everyone? ”, die Bedeutung des Rechts in der europäischen und litauischen Gesellschaft, Konferenz TeDi'13,Vilnius Universität |