Tizian Troxler is a postdoctoral research fellow and lecturer for private, capital markets and corporate law at the Faculty of Law at the University of Basel and also Secretary of the Specialized Section for Comparative Trade and Commercial Law of the German Association for Comparative Law. He is currently working on his habilitation thesis entitled “Transparency as a Regulatory Tool for Public Corporations”. Previously, he was an Associate with Baker & McKenzie, Zurich and worked as a teaching and research assistant at the Universities of Basel and Lucerne. He started his legal career as a law clerk and trainee for the District Court of Liestal, Vischer AG in Basel and the Government Council of the Canton Basel-Landschaft. Graduating from the Faculty of Law at the University of Basel, he obtained a master’s degree in law (lic. iur.) and a doctorate in law (Dr. iur.). He also holds a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Banking, Capital Markets and Insurance Law from the University of Zurich (CAS UZH) and and LL.M. degree from Harvard Law School (concentration in Corporate Law, Finance and Governance). As a Swiss attorney-at-law, he is admitted to all courts in Switzerland. Tizian Troxler has published several scientific publications on various legal aspects of law, including private, corporate, capital markets and criminal law, and he regularly speaks at national and international seminars and conferences.
For a detailed CV see www.linkedin.com/in/tiziantroxler