Papers and Presentations (status 16 November 2020)
9 and 16 November 2020 | ‘EU anti-discrimination law: Definition of key concepts’, presentation in the framework of two webinars on EU non-discrimination law organized by the European Law Academy (Europäische Rechtsakademie, ERA), Trier, Germany (online). |
29 October 2020 | ‘EWR/EFTA-Staaten: Dynamische Rechtsübernahme’ (EEA/EFTA States: dynamic adaptation of EEA law), presentation in the context of a conference on European integration, third states and direct Democracy (1. Zürcher Europarechtstag: Europäische Integration, Drittstaaten und (direkte) Demokratie), organised by the Europa Institute Zurich, University of Zurich, Switzerland. |
24 August 2020 | ‘Die Begrenzungsinitiative im Kontext des bilateralen Rechts’ (The limitation initiative in the context of the EU-Swiss bilateral law), presentation in the context of a public workshop on the initiative which also included a presentation from the perspective of political science and a discussion with the public, organised by the NGO in Zurich, Switzerland. |
27 January 2020 | ‘Der Brexit – Stand der Dinge und Bedeutung ausserhalb der EU‘ (Brexit – state of the art and relevance outside the EU), presentation for the ‘Bernischer Juristenverein’, i.e. the lawyer’s association of the Swiss Canton of Berne), Berne, Switzerland. |
9 January 2020 | ‘EU-Swiss Relations - a Model for UK EU Relations post “Brexit”? An insider commentary on the draft framework agreement between the EU and Switzerland by Professor Dr Christa Tobler, Universities of Basel, Switzerland, and Leiden, The Netherlands’, Department of Economy, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK. |
29 November 2019 | ‘Workshop: Update on CJEU sex equality case law’, presentation and discussion in the framework of the Legal Seminar on ‘Enforcement ofequality and anti-discrimination law’ organised by the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. |
25 November 2019 | ‘Das Institutionelle Rahmenabkommen: zwischen EWR und Brexit?’ (The Institutional Agreement: between the EEA and Brexit?), presentation in the framework of a seminar on ‘Vom Erfolgsfaktor zum Risikofaktor? Wie die Schweiz Liechtensteins Beziehungen zur Europäischen Union beeinflusst’ (From success factor to risk factor? How Switzerland influences Liechtenstein's relations with the European Union) organised by the Liechtenstein-Institut, Bendern, Liechtenstein. |
19 November 2019 | ‘The law and practice of sectoral bilateralism from the Swiss perspective‘, presentation in the framework of the workshop ‘Switzerland and the European Union: A strong Bilateral Partnership with Continental and Global Reach’, University of Ghent, Belgium. |
11 November 2019 | ‘Definition of key concepts: Direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment’, presentation in the framework of the seminar ‘Applying EU non-discrimination law’, European Law Academy (Europäische Rechtsakademie, ERA), Trier, Germany. |
29 October 2019 | ‘Zum Institutionellen Rahmenabkommen Schweiz-EU’ (on the institutional framework agreement Switzerland-EU), presentation upon invitation by the Basel Rotary Club, Schlüsselzunft, Basel, Switzerland. |
5 October 2019 | ‘Die Rolle von Europa für die Demokratie in Deutschland – ist «Brüssel» das nächste Kapitel?’ (The role of Europe for democracy in Germany – will «Brussels» be the next chapter?), presentation and discussion in the framework of the ‘Heidelberger Adenauer-Tage’ (Heidelberg Adenauer Days), University of Heidelberg, Germany. |
20 September 2019 | ‘Dynamic case law on primacy and direct effect – the Popławski judgment of 24 June 2019’, presentation in the framework of the colloquium ‘Dynamique du droit et activisme des juges/Legal Dynamics and judicial activism’, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. |
17 May 2019 | ‘Horizontal Direct Effect, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights/General Principles of EU Law and the Effect of Directives: the teacher’s perspective’, presentation in the framework of a roundtable discussion on horizontal direct effect, Europa Institute, Leiden University, the Netherlands. |
2 May 2019 | ‘Bemerkungen zum Stand der Dinge betr. das geplante institutionelle Abkommen Schweiz-EU’ (remarks on the state of things regarding the institutional agreement Switzerland – EU), public law group of the Law Faculty of Basel University, Basel, Switzerland. |
4 April 2019 | Der Einsatz von ePortfolios als Assessmentformat’ (Using eportfolios in assessment’, presentation in the framework of a conference on digitalization in teaching and learning (“Drehscheibe Uni/Gym-Event zum Thema Digitalisierung”), University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland. |
15 March 2019 | ‘Institutionelles Abkommen CH-EU: Einleitung – die Logik der EU’ (Institutional Agreement Switzerland-EU: Introduction – the logic of the EU), presentation in the framework of the conclave held by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Berne, Switzerland. |
16 January 2019 | ‘Perspektiven im Verhältnis Schweiz-EU: Rahmenvertrag oder EWR – eine Alternative?’ (Perspectives in the relationship between Switzerland and the EU: institutional agreement or EEA – an alternative?), presentation in the framework of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce of the Swiss Canton of Thurgau, Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland. |
14 January 2019 | ‘Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines Rahmenabkommens aus Sicht der Schweiz und der EU: Plädoyer für einen nüchternen Blick’ (Possibilities and limits of an institutional agreement from the perspective of Switzerland and the EU: plea for a sober approach), presentation in the framework of the Rive-Reine Conference on the subject of ‘Europa – ein Kontinent in der Krise? Konfliktherde und der (Aus)-Weg der Schweiz’ (Europe – a continent in crisis? Sources of conflicts and ways (out) for Switzerland), Vevey, Switzerland. |
11 January 2019 | ‘Equal treatment and non-discrimination: of twists and turns regarding horizontal direct effect’, presentation in the framework of the book launch conference for ‘Pieter Jan Kuijper/Fabian Amtenbrink/Deirdre Curtin/Bruno De Witte/Alison McDonnell/Stefaan Van den Bogaert (eds), The Law of the European Union, fifth edition, Alphen aan de Rijn: Kluwer International 2018’, Asser Institute, The Hague, Netherlands. |
15 October 2018 | ‘Die Selbstbestimmungsinitiative aus europarechtlicher Sicht’ (The self-determination initiative from the perspective of European law), presentation upon invitation of the Liberal Democratic Party of Basel City, Basel, Switzerland. |
12/13 September 2018 | ‘Methodology for using mock court cases and case studies in judicial training’, workshop in the framework of the training conference organized by the Working Group on Judicial Training Methods of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN, at the Hungarian Academy of Justice in Budapest, Hungary. |
19 April 2018 | Sex Discrimination - A starting Point for Anti-discrimination Law’, presentation in theframework of the conference ‘15 Years of Equality Bodies – 27 Years Austrian Ombud for Equal Treatment. Ceremony for Ingrid Nikolay-Leitner’, University of Vienna, Austria |
10 April 2018 | ‘Brexit and Switzerland’, presentation in the framework of the lunch meeting of the Deputy Heads of Mission of EU/EFTA Embassies, Residence of the Dutch Embassy, Berne, Switzerland. |
30 March 2018 | ‘Free movement of persons in the EU vs. in the EEA’, presentation in the framework of the workshop “EU citizenship in times of Brexit”, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. |
22 March 2018 | ‘Aktuelle EuGH-Rechtsprechung zur Diskriminierung im EU-Arbeitsrecht‘ (Recent CJEU case law on discrimination in EU employment law), presentation in the framework of the ‘Arbeitstagung zum EU-Arbeitsrecht 2018‘ (working seminar on EU employment law 2018) organised by the Europäische Rechtsakademie (ERA), Trier, Germany. |
16 February 2018 | ‚Blended learning: Einbettung eines MOOC im universitären Unterricht?’ (Blended learning: imbedding a MOOC in regular university teaching), presentation in the framework of the 6th day of teaching on the subject of ‘Voller Bildschirm, leerer Hörsaal? Präsenzlehre in Zeiten der Digitalisierung’ (Full screen, empty classroom? Classroom teaching in times of digitalisation) organized by the University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland. |
13 February 2018 | ‘Europeesrechtelijke aspecten van geschillenbeslechting’ (EU law aspects of dispute settlement), presentation in the framework of the Brexit conference organised by the Dutch Foreign Ministry (Expertisecentrum Europees Recht, ECER, and Centrum Internationaal Recht, CIR), The Hague, Netherlands. |
1 December 2017 | ‘Update on EU case law’, presentation in the framework of the annual legal seminar of the European Equality Law Network (expert network of the European Commission), Brussels, Belgium. |
23 November 2017 | ‚Zentrale Fragestellungen des institutionellen Rahmenabkommens’ (Core issues relating to the (planned) institutional agreement between Switzerland and the EU), presentation in the framework of the conference ‘Der bilaterale Weg: Abbruch der Übung oder jetzt erst recht?’ (The bilateral path: ending or rather continuing it at this junction?) organised by the neue europäische bewegung schweiz (new european movement Switzerland) and Die Schweiz in Europa (Switzerland in Europe), Berne, Switzerland. |
21 November 2017 | ‚Geschlechterdiskriminierung im Europarecht in Gemengelagen mit anderen Gründen’ (Sex discrimination in combination with other grounds under European law), guest lecture given in the framework of the 19th lecture series Gender Studies, University of Vienna, Austria. |
14 November 2017 | ‘Wie weiter mit der EU – braucht die Schweiz ein institutionelles Rahmenabkommen?’ (How to continue with the EU – does Switzerland need an institutional framework agreement?), presentation in the framework of the workshop ‚Schreckgespenster KESB und Europa?’ (Spectres KESB [i.e. the protection agencies for adults in Switzerland) and Europe?] organised by the Evangelical People’s Party of the Canton of Thurgau), Weinfelden, Switzerland. |
8 November 2017 | ‘The “Swiss model” with respect to enforcement’, presentation in the framework of the seminar ‘Brexit: Where & How to Enforce: Building Blocks for a New Dispute Settlement System’, organised by The Law Societies Joint Brussels Office, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. |
30 October 2017 | ‘Die institutionellen Fragen zwischen der Schweiz und der EU’ (The institutional issues between Switzerland and the EU), presentation in the framework of the annual conference of the Europa Platform Switzerland (Europaplattform Schweiz), University of Berne, Switzerland. |
28 October 2017 | ‚Wie weiter mit dem bilateralen Recht?’ (‚How should we continue with the bilateral law?’, Europakolloquium, Europainstitut / Institute for European Global Studies, Basel University, Basel, Switzerland. |
17 October 2017 | ‘Gender identity discrimination: reconsidering protection at the EU Level - Reflections on the Policy Brief by Ania Zbyszewska and Sara Benedi Lahuerta’, presentation in the framework of the conference “Rethinking EU Equality Law: Towards a More Coherent and Sustainable Regime. Exploring the Alternatives”, held at the University of Warwick Brussels Office, Brussels, Belgium. |
5 October 2017 | ‚Europapolitik: Stand der Dinge und Zukunftsperspektiven in der EU und in den bilateralen Beziehungen Schweiz – EU’ (European Policy: Status and prospects in the EU and in the bilateral relations Switzerland – EU), guest speaker at the regional conference of the Swiss Embassies in the Benelux-States, The Hague, the Netherlands |
29 August 2017 | ‘Die bilateralen Beziehungen Schweiz-EU’ (The bilateral relations Switzerland-EU’, guest lecture in the framework of the course on foreign affairs journalism at the Media Education Centre (Medienausbildungszentrum), Lucerne, Switzerland. |
6 July 2017 | ‘Litigating for trans peoples’ rights under EU Equality Law: current legal set-up and ways forward’, presentation in the framework of an ILGA (International Gay and Lesbian Association) workshop, Brussels, Belgium. |
26 June 2017 | ‘The EU-Swiss Sectoral Approach Under Pressure’, presentation in the framework of the conference ‘New Challenges and Options for the Union’s Treaty Making Powers: Common Commercial Policy, Eastern Partnership, Leave the Union and Mixity’ organised in honour of Prof. Christoph Vedder at Augsburg University, Germany. |
30 May 2017 | ‘Recent anti-discrimination case-law of the CJEU’, presentation in the framework of the seminar ‘Current Reflections on EU Gender Equality Law’ for university professors organised by the Europäische Rechtsakademie (ERA) at Trier, Germany. |
10 & 11 May 2017 | ‘Das Verhältnis Schweiz–EU: Zum Stand der Dinge’ (The relationship Switzerland – EU: state of affairs), lecture for the senior citizens university (SeniorenUni, volkshochschule beider Basel), Basel University, Basel, Switzerland. |
25 April 2017 | ‘Brexit – der rechtliche Rahmen’ (Brexit – the legal framework), presentation in the framework of the Benefri conference on Brexit and Switzerland organised by the cooperating universities of Berne, Neuchâtel and Fribourg at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. |
5 April 2017 | ‘“Brexit“ - what is it about and what could it mean for India?’, guest lecture at the Centre for European Studies of the O.P. Jindal Global University, Delhi, India. |
14 March 2017 | ‚Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen zu den bilateralen Verträgen Schweiz – EU’ (Developments and challenges with respect to the bilateral agreements Switzerland – EU), Begleitgruppe Regio Basilensis, Basel, Switzerland. |
13 January 2017 | ‘Aktuelles: Brexit’, presentation in the framework of the ‘Cross-cultural leadership England event’, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Basel, Switzerland. |
6 December 2016 | ‘Recent anti-discrimination case-law of the CJEU’, presentation in the framework of the seminar ‘Current Reflections on EU Gender Equality Law’, organised by the Europäische Rechtsakademie (ERA) at Trier, Germany. |
30 November 2016 | ‘A short introduction to “Brexit” from an EU law perspective and the “Switzerland’ model”’, presentation in the framework of the First International Business Law Lustrum event, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands. |
28 November 2016 | ‘Entwicklungsschübe der europäischen Einigungsbewegung und unterschiedliche Integrationstiefen’ (Market development steps in European integration and differentiated depths of integration), presentation in the framework of the course ‘Europe at the crossroads’ (Europa am Scheideweg), continued education for high School teachers in Switzerland, Lenzburg, Switzerland. |
18 November 2016 | ‘Schengen und Dublin im bilateralen Recht – Homogenität mit dem EU-Recht im Rahmen eines besonderen Verhältnisses’ (Schengen and Dublin in the Swiss–EU sectoral agreements: homogeneity with EU law in the framework of a special relationship), presentation in the framework of the conference ‘Schengen und Dublin: eine europäische Herausforderung’ (Schengen and Dublin: a European challenge), annual conference of the Swiss Association for International Law, 18 November 2016, Basel University, Basel, Switzerland. |
14 November 2016 | ‘Der Brexit und seine Auswirkungen auf das Verhältnis Schweiz – EU’ (Brexit and its consequences on the relationship between Switzerland and the EU), presentation at a meeting of the Kiwanis Club Basel, Basel, Switzerland. |
27 September 2016 | ‘Wie viel Inländervorrang erträgt die Personenfreizügigkeit? Schweizerische Varianten im Fokus’ (Preference for residents and the free movement of persons. Swiss variations), presentation in the framework of a Europakolloquium at the Europainstitut – Institute for European Global Studies, Basel. |
2 September 2016 | ‘Und wenn das Abkommen wegfällt? Erworbene Ansprüche nach Art. 23 FZA’, keynote presentation at the Swiss Migration Law Conference (12. Schweizerische Migrationsrechtstage), University of Berne, Switzerland. |