ius coronae - Covid-19 and Labour Law: Switzerland

ius coronae - Covid-19 and Labour Law: Switzerland

In a recent special issue of the Italian Labour Law e-Journal "Covid-19 and Labour Law. A Global Review", Prof. Kurt Pärli reports the situation in Switzerland.

The coronavirus epidemic has hit Switzerland hard. Like many other countries, Switzerland has used restrictive measures to shut down public life and economic activities in large areas. In addition, various social security benefits have been provided, particularly in the event of short-time working. However, benefits were also made available for self-employed persons and employees affected by the official measures in other ways. In terms of labour law, the employer’s obligations to protect particularly vulnerable employees were increased.




Italian Labour Law e-Journal, Vol 13, No 1S (2020): Special Issue: Covid-19 and Labour Law. A Global Review

This special issue of the Italian Labour Law e-Journal intends to provide a systematic and informative overview on the measures set out by lawmakers and/or social partners in a number of countries of the world to address the impact on the Covid-19 emergency on working conditions and business operations. The aim is to understand which labour law norms and institutions and which workplace arrangements are being deployed in the different legal systems to tackle the global health crisis. Another aim is to find whether and to what extent the established body of laws is proving able to cope with the problems raised by the current extraordinary situation or whether, on the contrary, new special regulations are being introduced. The national reports may be subject to updating in case of major changes.